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HomeFactsCan You Repair Kidney Damage

Can You Repair Kidney Damage

What Is Involved In The First Phase Of Treatment

How to Repair Kidney Damage – Home Remedies Proven to Work

In the first phase, high doses of intravenous fluids are given to ‘flush out’ the kidneys and bloodstream. This flushing process is called diuresis and helps mildly damaged kidney cells to function again by removing the toxic metabolites and creating a healthier environment for healing.

“If enough functional kidney cells remain, they may be able to adequately meet the body’s needs for filtration and waste removal.”

If enough functional kidney cells remain, they may be able to adequately meet the body’s needs for filtration and waste removal. Fluid therapy includes replacement of various electrolytes, especially potassium. Other important aspects of initial treatment include proper nutrition and medication to control vomiting and diarrhea if present. Your dog will often begin to feel better soon after this stage of treatment is begun.

Kidney Damage From Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen, as well as similar over-the-counter pain relievers like naproxen and aspirin, tend to be safe when taken in small doses.

However, the chemical process of these pain killers places a stress on your kidneys, and when taken in high doses or over an extended period of time can cause kidney damage.

We highly recommend following the safety information on these medications carefully, or with the guidance of a doctor.

S To Take At Stage 1 Kidney Disease

  • See your doctor regularlyget medical attention for any unusual or unexplained health symptoms.
  • Know your GFRask your doctor for a blood test to calculate your estimated glomerular filtration rate , so you can monitor your kidney health.
  • Treat underlying health conditionstalk to your doctor about high blood pressure, diabetes, or other health conditions that can contribute to kidney disease.
  • Make healthy lifestyle choicesquit smoking, exercise regularly, eat well , reduce stress, and get enough sleep.
  • Take all medications as prescribedand talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications.

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What Does A Kidney

Your kidneys major function is to get rid of waste and extra fluid from your body through your urine. They also balance the bodys minerals and fluids and make a hormone that regulates your blood pressure.

A kidney-friendly diet will help protect your kidneys from further damage. You must limit some food and fluids, so other fluids and minerals such as electrolytes do not build up in your body. Also, you must ensure that you are getting the right intake of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

If you have early-stage kidney disease, there are few food items you must limit. But as your disease worsens, you must be more careful about your daily food intake.

How To Repair Your Kidneys Naturally

Can a damaged kidney repair itself?

March 31, 2017 By Seattle Urban Nature

Do you suffer from kidney damage or disease? If so, youll know how frightening and life-changing it can be if these vital organs of ours underperform. It can lead to dialysis, kidney transplants or in the saddest of circumstances even death.

Our kidneys are our guardian angels. They are the caretakers of our capillaries cleaning our blood from unwanted minerals and poisonous waste, balancing our bodily fluids and blood pressure and coordinating control of the right number of red blood cells.

Its important you take good care of your kidneys and a healthy lifestyle plays a pivotal role. Even if youre suffering kidney failure, a healthy lifestyle can help you recover in acute cases or, when kidney failure hits hardest, it can slow-down the impacts of chronic failure.

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Since Chronic Kidney Disease Is Basically Just A Wearing Out Process How Is It Treated

The treatment of chronic kidney disease depends on the results of blood tests, and specific treatments are aimed at resolving specific abnormalities. In some cases, the kidneys are damaged beyond repair before diagnosis and medical treatment is ineffective. However, with early diagnosis and aggressive treatment, many dogs will live a normal lifestyle for many months or years.

Treatment usually occurs in two phases, first flushing the kidneys and removing the accumulated toxins from the blood, and then providing treatments to manage the disease and delay its progression.

What Can I Expect From This First Phase Of Treatment

There are three possible outcomes from the first phase of treatment:

1. The kidneys will resume functioning and continue to function for a few weeks to a few years.

2. The kidneys will resume functioning during treatment but fail again as soon as treatment stops, usually within three to fourteen days.

3. Kidney function will not return.

Unfortunately, there are no reliable tests that will predict the outcome. Each case should be treated aggressively and monitored closely. Even dogs that have severe kidney failure may respond favorably to treatment and resume a normal quality of life after treatment.

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How To Use Baking Soda For Kidney Repair

As baking soda is not toxic in nature it can be consumed easily by everyone to prevent kidney diseases and degeneration of endocrine system in body. It is also an excellent agent for chemotherapy. Baking soda can be taken easily at home by following steps mentioned below:-

  • On first day take half teaspoon of baking soda sublingually under tongue.
  • On second day mix half teaspoon of baking soda with half teaspoon of salt into 1.5 liters of water, and drink it for 2-3 days.
  • Slowly reduce daily dosage to ¼ teaspoon & 1/3 teaspoon of salt. This simple step can easily protect kidney from damaging.
  • Baking soda and apple cider vinegar can also be used to repair kidneys.
  • Diagnosis Of Kidney Failure

    how to repair kidney damage

    A number of tests can be used to measure kidney function. If CKD is found, tests may be used to determine:

    • the cause of the kidney damage
    • the amount of kidney damage
    • treatment options.
    • blood tests to establish the estimated glomerular filtration rate , which measures how well the kidneys filter wastes from the blood
    • urine tests for albumin, blood, glucose and red or white blood cells
    • a blood pressure check
    • ultrasound, computed tomography , x-ray and other imaging techniques to take pictures of your kidneys
    • a kidney biopsy, where a needle is used to remove a small piece of kidney tissue for examination under a microscope.

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    Acute Kidney Failure Complications

    Acute kidney failure can sometimes cause complications. These include:

    • Fluid buildup. Acute kidney failure can sometimes cause a buildup of fluid in your body. If fluid builds up in your lungs, this can cause shortness of breath.
    • Chest pain. If the lining that covers your heart becomes inflamed, you may have chest pain.
    • Acidic blood . If your blood has too much acid due to acute kidney failure, you can end up with nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and breathlessness.
    • Muscle weakness. When your body’s fluids and electrolytes are out of balance, you can get muscle weakness. In serious cases, this can lead to paralysis and heart rhythm problems.
    • Permanent kidney damage. Acute kidney failure can become chronic and your kidneys will stop working almost entirely or completely. This is called end-stage renal disease. If this happens, you will need to go on permanent dialysis or get a kidney transplant.
    • Death. Acute kidney failure can lead to loss of kidney function that is so bad, it can cause death.

    How Is Kidney Failure Treated

    Kidney failure treatment is determined by the cause and extent of the problem. Treating your chronic medical condition can delay the progression of kidney disease. If your kidneys start losing their function gradually, your doctor may use one or more methods to track your health. By watching you closely, your doctor can help you maintain your kidneys function as long as possible.

    Your doctor may gauge your kidney function with:

    • Routine blood tests
    • Blood pressure checks
    • Medication

    Because the kidneys serve such an important purpose, people in kidney failure need treatment to keep them alive. The main treatments for kidney failure are:

    • Dialysis: This treatment helps the body filter the blood .
    • In hemodialysis, a machine regularly cleans your blood for you. People often receive this kidney failure treatment at a hospital or dialysis clinic, 3 or 4 days each week.
    • Peritoneal dialysis cleans the blood in a slightly different way using a dialysis solution and a catheter. Sometimes, people can do their treatment at home.
  • Kidney transplant: In kidney transplant surgery, doctors place a healthy kidney in your body to take over the job of your damaged organs. This healthy kidney, called a donor organ, may come from a deceased donor or a living donor, who may be a friend or family member. People can live well with one healthy kidney.
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    What Are My Treatment Options For Kidney Failure

    You can choose one of three treatment options to filter your blood and take over a small part of the work your damaged kidneys can no longer do. A fourth option offers care without replacing the work of the kidneys. None of these treatments will help your kidneys get better. However, they all can help you feel better.

    • Hemodialysis uses a machine to move your blood through a filter outside your body, removing wastes.
    • Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of your belly to filter your blood inside your body, removing wastes.
    • Kidney transplant is surgery to place a healthy kidney from a person who has just died, or from a living person, into your body to filter your blood.
    • Conservative management treats kidney failure without dialysis or a transplant. Youll work with your health care team to manage symptoms and preserve your kidney function and quality of life as long as possible.

    Doing well with kidney failure is a challenge, and it works best if you

    • stick to your treatment schedule.
    • review your medicines with your health care provider at every visit. You are the only one who knows how your body is responding to each of your medicines. Its really important that your provider knows which medicines you are taking.
    • are active most days of the week.

    How Long Can I Expect My Dog To Live


    The prognosis is quite variable depending on the dog’s response to the initial stage of treatment and your ability to perform the follow-up care. Veterinarians encourage treatment in most situations because many dogs will respond well and maintain a good quality of life.

    “Treatment and follow-up care is relatively easy and inexpensive…”

    Treatment and follow-up care is relatively easy and inexpensive and extending the length and quality of life for their faithful companion represents the ultimate reward for many clients.

    Contributors: Ernest Ward, DVM Updated by Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH

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    What Are The Clinical Signs Of Chronic Kidney Disease

    When disease or advanced age causes the filtration process to become inefficient and ineffective, blood flow to the kidneys is increased in an attempt to increase filtration. The body must increase the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys since less and less of the toxins are being removed each time. This results in the production of more urine. To keep the dog from becoming dehydrated due to increased fluid loss in the urine, thirst and water consumption is increased.

    Therefore, one of the earliest clinical signs of kidney failure is increased water consumption and urination, and is called compensated renal failure. After approximately 2/3 of the kidney tissue is destroyed, there is a rapid rise in waste products in the bloodstream and an apparent sudden onset of severe disease. The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath. Occasionally, ulcers will be found in the mouth.

    Natural Remedies For Kidney Disease

    Remembering that our kidneys are damaged by stress, it behooves us to get our stress under control. Whatever you choose, whether it is Yoga, Tai Qi, meditation, or fishing, any stress relief measures will benefit your Kidney. It is vital for kidney patients to be able to measure their stress. In addition, slowing and deepening the breathing is a powerful way of bringing stress under control.

    Foods that are particularly nourishing to your Kidney include those that are very dark in color. These would include dark fruits and vegetables, and foods like black beans, black sesame seeds, and black walnuts. The water element comes into play when choosing foods for your Kidney. Foods from the sea, such as fish, shellfish, seaweed, kelp, and sushi are all excellent Kidney tonics.

    Your acupuncturist has a number of tools to help you strengthen your Kidney organ system. They can combine acupuncture with moxibustion and herbal formulas specifically designed to nourish your Kidneys.

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    How Is Chronic Kidney Failure Diagnosed

    There are two basic tests for kidney function: a complete urinalysis and a blood chemistry analysis.

    A urinalysis is needed to evaluate kidney function. A low urine specific gravity is the earliest indication of kidney failure. An increase in protein in the urine also indicates decreased kidney function.

    A blood biochemistry analysis assesses the function of various internal organs. Measuring the level of two waste products in the blood, namely blood urea nitrogen and blood creatinine , indicates decreased kidney function. Tests to measure the blood levels of other substances such as albumin, globulin, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and calcium, as well as the red and white blood cell counts are important in order to determine the extent of failure and the best course of treatment.

    A recently developed blood test to assess levels of SDMA has been used to determine if early renal failure is occurring. SDMA concentrations increase above the normal reference interval well before serum creatinine becomes elevated. This will help your veterinarian provide treatment for your dog at a much earlier stage in the disease.

    “SDMA concentrations increase above the normal reference interval well before serum creatinine becomes elevated.”

    A dog diagnosed with low urine specific gravity as well as elevated BUN and CREA is said to be azotemic.

    What Color Is Urine When Your Kidneys Are Failing

    Kidney Disease Cure or Repair – What is Possible

    When kidneys are failing, the increased concentration and accumulation of substances in urine lead to a darker color which may be brown, red or purple. The color change is due to abnormal protein or sugar, high levels of red and white blood cells, and high numbers of tube-shaped particles called cellular casts.

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    Living With Kidney Disease

    Kidney disease affects different people in different ways, both physically and emotionally. It can impact on many aspects of life, including personal relationships, jobs and social life.

    Get help with the many aspects of living with kidney disease, including mental health, diet, fluid restrictions, questions to ask you doctor, and benefits, on our Living with kidney disease section

    We also have information on the following:

    How Will My Veterinarian Determine The Degree Kidney Failure In My Dog

    Your veterinarian will use the IRIS staging system. IRIS staging is based on serum creatinine levels, with sub-staging based on the presence of protein in the urine and measuring your dogs blood pressure. By using this staging, your veterinarian has a better idea of how to proceed with treatment, monitor progress, and to estimate your pets prognosis.

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    When To See A Doctor With Stage 3 Ckd

    Its important to see a doctor right away if you experience any of the above symptoms. While certain symptoms arent exclusive to CKD, having any combination of these symptoms is concerning.

    You should follow up with your doctor if youve previously been diagnosed with stage 1 or stage 2 CKD.

    Still, its possible to not have any previous history of CKD before getting diagnosed with stage 3. This could be due to the fact that stages 1 and 2 dont typically cause any noticeable symptoms.

    To diagnose CKD stage 3, a doctor will conduct these tests:

    • blood pressure readings

    When Should I Call The Doctor

    Can Damaged Kidney Repair Itself

    A nephrologist receives special training in kidney evaluation and treatment. You may benefit from a kidney specialists expert opinion if:

    • You have trouble keeping your blood pressure levels in a normal range, even with medication.
    • Your blood sugar levels fluctuate widely.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/10/2018.


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    How Do Doctors Treat Ckd

    Doctors can treat some of the symptoms and health problems CKD causes. For example, your treatment plan may include:

    • Certain medicines to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol
    • Diuretics to help your kidneys get rid of salt and water and lower swelling
    • Dialysis: A treatment that uses a machine to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.
    • Kidney transplant: A surgery to give you a healthy kidney from someone else’s body. A kidney transplant may be an option for you when your kidneys have failed.

    Acute Kidney Failure Diagnosis

    Your doctor will start with a physical exam. Then, theyâll order tests of your blood, urine, and kidneys.

    Blood tests. These measure substances in your blood.

    • Creatinine is a waste product in your blood thatâs made by muscle activity. Normally, itâs removed from your blood by your kidneys. But if your kidneys stop working, your creatinine level rises.
    • Urea nitrogen is another waste product in your blood. Itâs created when protein from the foods is broken down. Like creatinine, your kidneys remove this from your blood. When your kidneys stop working, your urea nitrogen levels rise.
    • Serum potassium is a substance found in your blood that balances water levels in your bloodstream. Kidney disease can cause either high or low potassium levels.
    • Serum sodium is another substance in your blood that helps with fluid balance in your body. High sodium levels can mean that your kidneys arenât working properly because your body canât get rid of the right amount of sodium.

    Urine tests. Your doctor will check your pee for blood and protein. Theyâll also look for certain electrolytes. The results help your doctor understand whatâs causing your kidney failure.

    Urine output measurement. This measures how much urine you pass in 24 hours. You will get a container to take home, pee into, and then return to the lab after a full 24 hours. It can help your doctor determine why youâre having kidney failure.

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