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Can Spinach Cause Kidney Stones

Spinach Is Good For Youin Regular Doses

Spinach – Eating Spinach Every Day, Oxalic Acid & Kidney Stones

Spinach has a lot of health benefits like improving eyesight, preventing cancer, and lowering blood pressure. It also is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K1, iron, calcium and folic acid. So incorporating spinach into your diet is a great idea.

But, like most good things, too much of it can cause some serious damage. Since spinach is so high in calcium and oxalates, this can sometimes cause kidney stones if you consume too much spinach, especially if you arent drinking enough water everyday.

And if youre on a blood thinner, you should talk to your doctor before ingesting too much spinach because vitamin K1 plays a big role in blood clotting. This means eating too much of vitamin K1 can offset the effects of your blood thinner making it super dangerous, so definitely talk to your doctor first if this applies to you.

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Spinach And Kidney Health

Along with kale, beets and most nuts, spinach is a stone-forming food. This veggie boasts high levels of oxalates, which are waste products of metabolism. During digestion, oxalates bind to calcium in the GI tract, reducing its absorption. These compounds are naturally eliminated in the urine or stool.

A high intake of oxalates may cause kidney stones. According to a 2015 review published by the Korean Society of Clinical Nutrition, crystals start to form when oxalate concentration is four times above normal. Most calcium stones in the kidneys consist of calcium oxalate. Research shows that high-oxalate foods, such as spinach and rhubarb, promote stone formation. About half of the people who develop one stone tend to form another within 10 years.

Nuts, potatoes and spinach account for 44 percent of oxalate intake for most Americans, according to a 2014 study published by the Korean Urological Association. That’s why health experts recommend eating these foods in moderation. The same study suggests that drinking more fluids may lower the risk of kidney stone formation.

Ideally, boil the spinach before consumption to reduce its oxalate levels. Cutting back on salt and meat may help too. These foods have been linked to a higher risk of kidney stones.

Too Much Soy Could Lead To Brittle Bones

Soy is a staple in many vegan and vegetarian diets, and for good reason. Its packed with protein and compounds known as isoflavones. According to one 2008 study published in Inflammopharmacology, The potential health benefits of isoflavones may include protection against age-related diseases including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, hormone-dependent cancer, and loss of cognitive function.

However, soy can also contain high levels of cadmium, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Cadmium is a heavy metal found both naturally in the Earths crust and as a part of many fertilizers. Somewhere between 1 percent and 10 percent of the cadmium in the food you eat will enter your body, and chronic, low-level exposure can cause kidney damage and brittle bones.

A 2011 study in Science of the Total Environment found that soy plants take in a significant amount of cadmium from the soil, and the beans can contain three to four times the maximum limit of cadmium set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Another study published in the same journal observed that tofu, tempeh, and products such as tofu hot dogs, soy burgers, and tofu cheese had the highest concentrations of cadmium of all the foods researchers tested.

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Eating Spinach Every Day Will Help You Feel Happier

Spinach is good for your physical health, but is it beneficial for your mental health as well? As it turns out, eating spinach every day can indeed help make you happier. In fact, the leafy green is considered an “antidepressant food,” as stated by a study published in the World Journal of Psychiatry. The study asserted that nutrition is closely linked to the health of the brain. Specifically, magnesium, which can be found in spinach, helps stave off depression.

When you’re low in phytonutrients like magnesium, you’re unfortunately at risk for symptoms of depression and, sadly, nearly 50 percent of Americans have low levels of magnesium, according to a study in Nutrition Reviews, so it’s a common problem.

Fortunately, upping your magnesium intake will make you feel happier as it affects your level of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood. According to Psychology Today, boiled spinach has a significant amount about 160 milligrams of magnesium per cup. The article went on to explain that consuming magnesium can make antidepressant medication more effective and possibly prevent the need for higher doses of medication.

If You Eat Spinach Every Day You Could Keep Your Body From Absorbing Nutrients

Can you get kidney stones from eating too much spinach

Eating spinach every day is an inarguably healthy habit. Doing so provides your body with plenty of nutrients, of course. However, consuming too much spinach can actually stop your body from absorbing all those good nutrients. The culprit? A little something found in spinach called oxalate.

Not only can oxalate cause kidney stones, it is also considered an “anti-nutrient”, as stated by a study published in the science journal Molecules and it’s present in high levels in spinach. The study asserted that high levels of oxalate prevent the body from absorbing nutritious minerals. Efforts are being made in agriculture to grow spinach with lower oxalate levels, but, for now, be aware of how much spinach you’re consuming so you don’t risk inhibiting your nutrient absorption. You can also make sure to eat foods with nitrates, like meat and citrus, which can regulate oxalate, according to the study.

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It’s Not One And Done

Passing a kidney stone is often described as one of the most painful experiences a person can have, but unfortunately, it’s not always a one-time event. Studies have shown that having even one stone greatly increases your chances of having another. “Most people will want to do anything they can to ensure it doesn’t happen again,” said Dr. Jhagroo. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be the case that people make the changes they need to after their first stone event.”

Research conducted by Dr. Jhagroo shows that those with kidney stones do not always heed the advice of their nephrologists and urinary specialists. About 15% of kidney stone patients didn’t take prescribed medications and 41% did not follow the nutritional advice that would keep stones from recurring. Without the right medications and diet adjustments, stones can come back, and recurring kidney stones also could be an indicator of other problems, including kidney disease.

To Eat Or Not To Eat Spinach

The authors of the “Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry” study concluded that boiling and steaming may be an effective cooking strategy to decrease the risk of high urinary oxalates in people who are at risk of developing kidney stones. But talk to your doctor about whether you can have cooked spinach and, if so, how much. It may be challenging to tell how much oxalate is left in the spinach after cooking. Your doctor may recommend avoiding spinach if you’re on a low-oxalate diet that restricts you to less than 50 total milligrams per day. Low-oxalate green vegetables include lettuce, cabbage, endive, broccoli and brussels sprouts. They contain little to no oxalate.


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When You Eat Spinach Every Day This Is What Happens To Your Body

There’s no question that spinach is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Self magazine gives this green, leafy vegetable a score of 91 out of 100 for nutrient balance, meaning that it’s well-balanced, complete nutrition. Spinach has lots of essential vitamins and it’s low in calories, making it a popular food for weight loss. It can be easily added to a multitude of dishes you can cook with spinach or simply eat it raw. It works for any meal of the day .

It’s obviously a versatile food, so what’s not to love? There are several benefits to consuming this nutrient-rich plant, but does it have any negative effects on your body? Is too much spinach actually bad for your health? And in what ways does it benefit your body? Keep reading to find out what happens to your body when you eat spinach every day. You might be surprised at what you find out.

Tips For A Kidney Stone Diet

Is Eating Tomato And Spinach Can Cause Kidney Stones ? | Kidney Problems And Solutions | Health Tips

Having kidney stones increases your risk of getting them again unless you actively work to prevent them. This means taking medications prescribed to you for this purpose, and watching what you eat and drink.

If you currently have stones, your doctor will run diagnostic tests, to determine what type you have. They will then prescribe a specific diet plan for you, such as the DASH Diet. Tips that will help include:

  • drink at least twelve glasses of water daily
  • eat citrus fruits, such as orange
  • eat a calcium-rich food at each meal, at least three times a day
  • limit your intake of animal protein
  • eat less salt, added sugar, and products containing high fructose corn syrup
  • avoid foods and drinks high in oxalates and phosphates
  • avoid eating or drinking anything which dehydrates you, such as alcohol.

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A List Of Concerning Foods

We have created two graphs for this article. Of the 177 foods on our master list, many are of concern but can be used in your diet if you control the portion size and how often you use them.

Here they are. The graph shows mg of oxalate in a common portion. The details of the portions are in the list. The foods have in common that all contain at least 40 mg/serving. All other foods for which we have reliable data have less oxalate per serving.

Your budget is about 100 mg/day.

What does this graph mean? Does it mean you can never have chocolate, or a baked potato?

It means if you want to use your whole budget on a treat, do it, but keep track and make sure you do not overspend in any meal or in any one day. Have your baked potato, but maybe share half with your partner. Or, have some hot chocolate but make it with milk because calcium helps reduce oxalate absorption. Eat your cashew nuts, but pay attention to how many. If one handful leads to ten, you cannot have them.

Oxalates In Spinach And Kidney Stones Risk

When consumed moderately, spinach is good for the kidneys as antioxidants like vitamin C in it protect the kidneys from free radical damage, and dietary fibers improve kidney health by helping with detoxification.

However, excessive consumption of spinach is bad for the kidneys.

Oxalates present in the spinach are efficiently removed by our kidneys through urine.

However, when spinach is consumed in excess then the high concentration of oxalates may cause damage to the kidneys.

In high concentration, oxalates in the spinach bind with the calcium of the body to form calcium oxalate, a common cause of kidney stones.

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Can Spinach Be Overcooked

Take care not to overcook spinach, no matter the method. Remove the spinach from the heat as soon as the leaves begin to wilt. Leaving the spinach to cook for any longer causes the leaves to become slimy and makes the bitter flavor more prominent. Dont reheat cooked spinach after refrigerating it, either.

Benefits Of Eating Spinach

Can Eating Too Much Spinach Give You Kidney Stones?

Spinach may not get you that excited, but it is certainly abundant in health benefits such as:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Wards off infection and inflammation
  • Maintains healthy skin and mucus membranes
  • Supports bone health and growth
  • Improves blood circulation and production

Moreover, regular consumption of spinach can help prevent iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, and age-related macular disease of the eyes.

On the other hand, if there are benefits to eating spinach there are also potential downsides in consuming too much of it and these pertain to:

  • Kidney stones

The buildup of acid and mineral salt causes the formation of kidney stones, the most common being calcium stones. Spinach has high amounts of both calcium and oxalates, compounds that form kidney stones.

  • Blood clotting

Spinach is high in Vitamin K1 which could interfere with blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin, and form blood clots.

Due to these reactions, people who are taking blood thinners and those who are prone to forming kidney stones should avoid consuming spinach.

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Types Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be broadly categorized into calcium stones and non-calcium stones. Excessive calcium in the urine figures as the prime culprit for 80 percent of all kidney stones. It combines with one of two waste substances, oxalate or phosphorous, to give rise to different types of stones.

The most common types of kidney stones include the following:

  • Calcium oxalate stones: These are the most common type of kidney stones, which are formed when calcium binds with oxalate, a chemical thats naturally found in many foods.
  • Calcium phosphate stones: These are also quite prevalent and are formed when calcium binds with phosphoric acid.
  • Struvite stones: These are often caused by an active urinary infection.
  • Uric acid stones: These are often associated with diabetes and come into being when your urine is too acidic.
  • Cystine stones: These result from a disorder called cystinuria, which is genetically passed down through families and is characterized by high levels of the amino acid cystine in the urine.

Different dietary factors can trigger the formation of different kinds of stones. Needless to say, there is no standard diet plan that applies to all kinds of stones.

Given that different stones have different nutritional contributors, there can never be a one-size-fits-all stone prevention diet.

Each kidney stone calls for the elimination of specific foods and drinks that may contribute to its development.

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Pretzels Chips And Crackers

Ready-to-eat snack foods like pretzels, chips, and crackers tend to be lacking in nutrients and relatively high in salt.

Also, its easy to eat more than the recommended portion size of these foods, often leading to even greater salt intake than intended.

Whats more, if chips are made from potatoes, theyll contain a significant amount of potassium as well.


Pretzels, chips, and crackers are easily consumed in large portions and tend to contain high amounts of salt. Additionally, chips made from potatoes provide a considerable amount of potassium.

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When Life Hands You Kidney Stones

And as the saying goes, “make lemonade.” It’s important to consider dietary remedies alongside prescription medications.

Next time you drive past a lemonade stand, consider your kidneys. Chronic kidney stones are often treated with an alkali citrate, such as potassium citrate to help prevent certain stones, if urine citrate is low and urine pH levels are too low . Citrus juices do contain citrate , but large amounts might be needed. Also, be careful of sugar. Lemon juice concentrate mixed with water can be considered. Alkali citrate can be prescribed and is available over-the-counter. Alkali citrate can be given with a mineral, such as sodium, potassium or magnesium to help prevent stone formation. The aim is to increase urine citrate and increase urine pH . The goal is to keep pH in balance. Speak with a doctor or other healthcare professional about which treatment options are right for you, including over-the-counter products and home remedies. People with kidney disease may need to watch their intake of sodium, potassium or other minerals, depending on the stage of kidney disease or other factors

What Happens If You Drink Coca Cola Everyday

SPINACH𥬠can lead to kidney stones!!

According to one of the largest, the landmark U.S. Framingham Heart Study, drinking just one can of soda daily has been linked to obesity, increased waist size, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart attack, stroke, poorer memory, smaller brain volume, and dementia.

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Causes Of Kidney Stones From Beet Juice

Beetroot contains high levels of oxalate. Consuming excess beetroot is one of the major beetroot side effects on kidney. This may increase the chances of the formation of kidney stones especially if you have problems with your kidney. When you eat oxalate it combines with calcium and when the concentration becomes too high, your kidneys arent able to dispose of it fast enough so it crystallizes to form kidney stones. If you eat foods rich in oxalate like beetroot, youre at high risk of having kidney stones. Beets, beet leaves, and beet juices contain 610mg of oxalate per 100g per cup serving while boiled beets contain 675mg of oxalate.

If you like taking beetroot juice it might not be such a good idea since you use more beets and other fruits and veggies to make just a glass of juice. This increases the amount of oxalate you take per day putting your health at risk.

You can limit this amount by drinking other juices that dont include beetroot. You can make green juices or smoothies or try boiling your beetroot. Boiling is said to dilute the oxalate concentration in the beetroot by a significant amount.

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You May Be Able To Prevent Diabetes By Eating Spinach Every Day

The magnesium in spinach helps solidify the veggie as a superfood. According to Today, magnesium keeps blood sugar regulated, which is important to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. As, Healthline noted, people with diabetes often have low levels of magnesium in their blood because it gets passed through urination.

However, you can make sure you’re getting enough magnesium by including it in your diet through foods like spinach. According to Everyday Health, “1 cup of spinach contains 6 percent of your daily value of magnesium.” That’s pretty significant for such a small amount of food.

Healthline furthered explained that taking magnesium supplements through pills can result in magnesium toxicity and, as it sounds, that comes with some uncomfortable side effects. Ingesting magnesium every day through diet, on the other hand, doesn’t pose the same risk because your body is able to dispose of any extra. That’s just another reason to choose spinach!

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