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HomeCauseCan High Blood Pressure Cause Kidney Damage

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Kidney Damage

How To Prevent Or Slow Ckd

How is kidney function related to blood pressure? – Dr. Pallavi Patri

The best way to prevent CKD is to manage and treat conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, that can damage your kidneys. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking, can also help. If you are at risk for CKD, talk to your doctor about how often you should get screened for the condition. Early detection and treatment are important in helping prevent CKD from progressing.

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What Causes Renal Hypertension

Renal hypertension is caused by a part or total bock of the arteries that supply blood to your kidneys. These renal arteries carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from your heart to your kidneys. If your kidneys do not get enough blood or oxygen, it may be because these renal arteries are narrowed, a condition called renal artery stenosis.

Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is the most common cause of renal artery stenosis. Plaque, made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances, builds up inside your arteries and causes them to harden and narrow . Plaque can block, either partially or totally, your blood’s flow through an artery in the heart, brain, pelvis, legs, arms or kidneys.

Another cause of renal artery stenosis is fibromuscular dysplasia . While the cause of FMD is not clear, it is different in that it is not caused by plaque build-up, but rather narrowing of your blood vessel walls themselves. FMD is more common in women and should be considered in younger people who develop high blood pressure.

Additional causes include:

  • Arteries blocked by grafts.

Protein Or Blood In The Urine

Urinalysis or urine testing is used to look for abnormalities such as an excess amount of protein, blood, pus, bacteria or sugar. A urine test can help to detect a variety of kidney and urinary tract disorders, including chronic kidney disease, diabetes, bladder infections and kidney stones. A trace of one type of protein, albumin in urine is an early sign of chronic kidney disease. Persistent amounts of albumin and other proteins in the urine indicate kidney damage. The presence of albumin is also a risk factor for cardiovascular events and death.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Like high blood pressure, early or mild kidney disease often has no signs or symptoms, so you might not know you have it. It is often picked up by a blood test done by the GP or hospital . As kidney disease progresses it can have a number of signs and symptoms, including:

  • changes to your wee, including changes in colour and smell, how often you need to wee, and how much liquid you pass
  • swelling in your legs, hands or face
  • tiredness
  • muscle cramps and paleness due to anaemia

See your GP if you have any of these symptoms, particularly if they are ongoing.

How Can I Prevent Or Slow The Progression Of Kidney Disease From High Blood Pressure

How High Blood Pressure Affects The Kidneys

The best way to slow or prevent kidney disease from high blood pressure is to take steps to lower your blood pressure. These steps include a combination of medicines and lifestyle changes, such as

  • being physically active
  • managing stress
  • following a healthy diet, including less sodium intake

No matter what the cause of your kidney disease, high blood pressure can make your kidneys worse. If you have kidney disease, you should talk with your health care professional about your individual blood pressure goals and how often you should have your blood pressure checked.

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How Common Are High Blood Pressure And Kidney Disease

Almost 1 in 2 U.S. adultsor about 108 million peoplehave high blood pressure.1

More than 1 in 7 U.S. adultsor about 37 million peoplemay have chronic kidney disease .2

High blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure in the United States after diabetes, as illustrated in Figure 1.2

Almost 1 in 2 U.S. adultsor about 108 million peoplehave high blood pressure.

Biopsy For Kidney Disease

A biopsy means that a small piece of tissue is taken for testing in a laboratory. Biopsies used in the investigation of kidney disease may include:

  • kidney biopsy the doctor inserts a special needle into the back, under local anaesthesia, to obtain a small sample of kidney tissue. A kidney biopsy can confirm a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease.
  • bladder biopsy the doctor inserts a thin tube into the bladder via the urethra. This allows the doctor to view the inside of the bladder and check for abnormalities. This procedure is called a cystoscopy. The doctor may take a biopsy of bladder tissue for examination in a laboratory.

Your doctor may arrange other tests, depending on the suspected cause of your kidney disorder.

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How Does Eating Diet And Nutrition Affect High Blood Pressure And Kidney Disease

Following a healthy eating plan can help lower your blood pressure. Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet is an important part of any healthy eating plan. Your health care professional may recommend the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eating plan. DASH focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other foods that are healthy for your heart and lower in sodium, which often comes from salt. The DASH eating plan

  • is low in fat and cholesterol
  • features fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products, fish, poultry, and nuts
  • suggests less red meat, sweets, added sugars, and sugar-containing beverages
  • is rich in nutrients, protein, and fiber

A registered dietitian can help tailor your diet to your kidney disease. If you have congestive heart failure or edema, a diet low in sodium intake can help reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Reducing saturated fat and cholesterol can help control high levels of lipids, or fats, in the blood.

People with advanced kidney disease should speak with their health care professional about their diet.

Elevated Blood Pressure And Risk Of End

Take the Pressure Off: Your Kidneys and Your Health

It had been known since the early days of Franz Volhard and Arthur Fishberg that renal disease and renal failure occur commonly in hypertensive patients. In the study of Perera , at a time when antihypertensive medication had not yet become available, a large proportion of patients with essential hypertension wound up in renal failure. This was later ascribed to the occurrence of malignant hypertension. With the advent of effective antihypertensive medication, malignant hypertension has become much rarer. In relatively short-term trials that clearly documented the cardiovascular benefit from antihypertensive medication, few if any cases with renal failure were observed. This led to an as yet unresolved dilemma.

There are authors who made strong statements such as: there are no reported cases of benign essential hypertensive patients with normal serum creatinine levels and no proteinuria who subsequently went on to develop renal failure . On the other hand, in the US and elsewhere, but with remarkable differences between countries , a high proportion of cases reaching end-stage renal disease with hypertension and a nondiagnostic clinical course are given the diagnosis of hypertensive nephropathy in the absence of renal biopsy and other more in-depth investigations.

What was the evidence available so far and what were its shortcomings?

Eberhard Ritz Feature Editor

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How Does High Blood Pressure Affect The Kidneys

High blood pressure can constrict and narrow the blood vessels, which eventually damages and weakens them throughout the body, including in the kidneys. The narrowing reduces blood flow.

If your kidneys blood vessels are damaged, they may no longer work properly. When this happens, the kidneys are not able to remove all wastes and extra fluid from your body. Extra fluid in the blood vessels can raise your blood pressure even more, creating a dangerous cycle, and cause more damage leading to kidney failure.

Chronic Kidney Disease And Hypertension: A Destructive Combination

Leticia Buffet, PharmDAssistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy PracticeRegis University School of PharmacyDenver, Colorado

Charlotte Ricchetti, PharmD, BCPS, CDEAssistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy PracticeRegis University School of PharmacyDenver, Colorado

US Pharm

Chronic kidney disease is defined as persistentkidney damage accompanied by a reduction in the glomerular filtrationrate and the presence of albuminuria. The prevalence of CKD hassteadily increased over the past two decades, and was reported to affectover 13% of the U.S. population in 2004.1 In 2009, more than570,000 people in the United States were classified as having end-stagerenal disease , including nearly 400,000 dialysis patients andover 17,000 transplant recipients.2 A patient is determinedto have ESRD when he or she requires replacement therapy, includingdialysis or kidney transplantation. The rise in incidence of CKD isattributed to an aging populace and increases in hypertension ,diabetes, and obesity within the U.S. population. CKD is associated witha host of complications including electrolyte imbalances, mineral andbone disorders, anemia, dyslipidemia, and HTN. It is well known that CKDis a risk factor for cardiovascular disease , and that a reducedGFR and albuminuria are independently associated with an increase incardiovascular and all-cause mortality.3,4

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What Is Normal Blood Pressure

Blood pressure normally varies a lot, from minute to minute and even from one breath to the next. It is usually lower at night, and goes up with exercise and other forms of stress . It also varies around the body.

For most purposes, it is best to measure blood pressure in the upper arm, at heart level, with the person sitting comfortably, not talking, having rested for at least five minutes and avoided cigarettes and caffeine for at least 30 minutes. Measured like this, a normal adults blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg.

Blood pressure is often measured in a rush in outpatient clinics, without much time for rest, and often at a time of increased anxiety. Measurements taken like this shouldnt be used as the sole basis for deciding on treatment. Repeated measurements at home or ambulatory blood pressure measurements give a much better idea.

  • Your blood pressure is considered to be high if your blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or above, and your average daytime ambulatory or home blood pressure is 135/85mmHg or above.
  • The higher your resting blood pressure, the higher your risk of heart disease, stroke, and progressive kidney damage.

There is often no obvious cause for hypertension but some groups, for example people from minority ethnic groups are more prone to developing high blood pressure.

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How High Blood Pressure Causes Kidney Damage

Kidney Disease High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure doesnt just increase your risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. It can also damage your kidneys.

This limits their ability to filter waste and toxins, as well as balance the amount of fluids, hormones, sodium, and other minerals in your blood. Your heart and kidneys work together, which is why your blood pressure can affect both.

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What Can I Do To Help Control My High Blood Pressure

A healthy lifestyle is key to helping control any type of hypertension. Making changes in daily habits can help, such as:

  • Eating a heart-healthy diet: Choose fruits, vegetables, grains and low-fat dairy foods.
  • Exercising regularly, at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity, such as walking .
  • Keeping your weight under control: Check with your healthcare provider for a weight-loss program, if needed.
  • Quitting smoking, if you smoke.
  • Cutting back on alcoholic drinks.
  • Limiting caffeine intake.
  • Limiting sodium in your diet: Read nutrition labels on packaged foods to learn how much sodium is in one serving.
  • Reducing and avoiding stress when possible: Many people find that regular meditation or yoga helps.

What Is Kidney Disease

The term kidney disease describes a set of problems where the kidneys arent working as well as they should. You might also hear it called chronic kidney disease . Its often mild, has no symptoms and can be managed by you and your GP, but rarely it becomes more advanced, leading to kidney failure and other serious health problems.

What do the kidneys do?Your kidneys play an important role in removing waste products from your body and in controlling your blood pressure. They act as a filter for your blood, sifting out excess water, waste products and toxins and removing them from your body in your urine . If your kidneys arent working properly, fluid and waste products can build up in your body.

The kidneys help to control blood pressure by removing water and salt from the blood, as well as producing hormones that are involved in controlling blood pressure.

The kidneys also produce other hormones which are involved in maintaining healthy red blood cells and in keeping your bones healthy, and kidney disease can lead to anaemia and bone disease.

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How High Blood Pressure Can Cause Kidney Damage

Your heart, the key organ of the circulatory system, constantly pumps blood through your blood vessels. Good blood flow is essential for normal kidney function. Even minor blood flow problems can affect function and increase your risk of serious kidney damage.

Although it takes a certain amount of force to push blood through the blood vessels, the pressure inside the vessels sometimes becomes too high. High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels that lead to the kidneys, causing them to stiffen or narrow.

As a result, less blood reaches your kidneys, making it difficult for the organs to function properly. Tiny blood vessels inside the kidneys that filter blood may also be damaged.

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How Does High Blood Pressure Cause Kidney Disease

Understanding High Blood Pressure And Kidney Failure

Uncontrolled high blood pressure puts an extra , and over time they can become narrower and stiffer. If the blood vessels leading to and within the kidneys are affected, not enough blood reaches the cells of the kidneys, so they dont get enough oxygen and nutrients, leading to scarring of the kidney tissue. This means the kidneys are less able to do their job.

Because the kidney senses it needs more blood and oxygen, it produces hormones that drive the blood pressure even higher this can become a vicious cycle.

What else causes kidney disease?A number of other things can cause kidney disease or raise your risk.

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How Do Doctors Treat High Blood Pressure

First, your doctor may suggest some healthy life changes. This may include:

  • Following a low-sodium eating plan
  • Being active for at least 30 minutes most days of the week
  • Quitting smoking or using tobacco
  • Drinking less alcohol

If healthy life changes are not enough to control your blood pressure, your doctor may give you a prescription blood pressure medicine. There are two types of blood pressure medicines that can also help protect your kidneys and slow down kidney disease:

  • ACE inhibitors : A group of medicines that lower blood pressure by widening your blood vessels, helping your kidneys get rid of extra water and lowering the levels of hormones that raise blood pressure
  • ARBs :A group of medicines that lower blood pressure by widening your blood vessels

Your doctor might also ask you to take a diuretic, also called a water pill. This helps your body get rid of extra fluid which can cause high blood pressure.

Be sure to take all medicines the way your doctor tells you to. Blood pressure medicines work best when you take them every day even if you feel fine.

Talk to your doctor if you have any side effects from your medicines. You may be able to take a different medicine that does not have those side effects.

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Kidney Disease

Kidneys use blood vessels to clean your blood of wastes, toxins and excess fluid. High blood pressure means that high pressure is consistently being exerted against the walls of arteries throughout the body, which can damage blood vessels over time. Damage to blood vessels, including the hardening and narrowing of arteries around the kidneys, can prevent your kidneys from cleaning bloodeventually leading to kidney disease.

Kidney disease or kidney failure due to high blood pressure may take years to develop. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, its important to know that there are things you can do to manage CKD and thrive.

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Renal Hypertension/renal Vascular Disease

Approximately five percent of people with hypertension or high blood pressure suffer from renal or renovascular hypertension, caused by narrowing or blockage in the arteries to the kidneys. With this blockage, the kidneys see a reduction of blood pressure and compensate for it by causing a rise in overall blood pressure, resulting in systemic hypertension. Early in its course, this hypertension can be treated with medication. However, as the blockage worsens, hypertension may become severe and difficult to control, even with multiple medications. Furthermore, it may result in sudden spikes in blood pressure, which can be extremely dangerous. In these cases, treatment of the underlying blockage may help eliminate or significantly reduce the hypertension to allow better control with fewer medications.

Hypertension itself can have a devastating effect on the kidneys . Exposure to abnormally high blood pressure over time will lead to kidney damage and a reduction in its ability to function normally. Because damage to the kidneys may not show up on routine blood tests until it is severe and possibly irreversible, early diagnosis and treatment are critical to protecting renal function.

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Elevated Blood Pressure In The Kidney

Kidney Disease High Blood Pressure Treatment

Elevated Blood Pressure In The Kidney. Hypertension can cause damage to the blood vessels and filters in. now let’s take a look at how the kidney increases the circulating blood volume. Renal hypertension, also called renovascular hypertension, is elevated blood pressure caused by kidney disease. Your kidneys play a key role in keeping

In chronic kidney disease, or. Make sure your diet includes a healthy mix of fruits. For some children, kidney or heart problems can cause high blood pressure.

That being said, its important to note that hypertension can be both a cause and a result of kidney disease. However, the kidney is much more often the cause of arterial hypertension. Damaged kidneys fail to regulate blood pressure.

Aldosterone stimulates more na reabsorption in the distal tubule, and water gets reabsorbed. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing kidney disease and causing permanent damage to your kidneys. The diastolic pressure is when your heart is relaxing and refilling with blood.

Your kidneys play a key role in keeping Make sure your diet includes a healthy mix of fruits. now let’s take a look at how the kidney increases the circulating blood volume.

About one in four people with kidney failure have it because of high blood pressure. Lowering your blood pressure will help you avoid kidney damage and may slow the progression of kidney disease if you already have it. The systolic pressure is when your heart is beating and pumping blood.

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