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HomeNewsAre Oranges Good For Kidneys

Are Oranges Good For Kidneys

List Of Vegetables That Contain Fluid But Dont Count As Part Of The Fluid Allowance

Fruits Kidney Patients Should Eat | Are All Fruits Good For Kidney Patients?

Vegetables are high in fiber, but did you know that they are high in water content too? There is a wide range of greens to choose from and you can easily whip up a healthy yet wholesome dish with them. The following vegetables below may be high in water content but they are not included as part of the fluid allowance:

Food That Counts As Fluid On The Kidney Diet

The adult human body is made of more than 50 percent water and needs fluid to function properly. Most food naturally contains water, including fruits, vegetables, meat and bread. These foods are often not considered when tracking fluid intake. Beverages like water, coffee drinks, shakes, juice and soda are obvious sources of liquid. Ice, sherbet, gelatin and soup also count as fluid. Generally, anything that is liquid at room temperature is counted as part of the daily fluid allowance. People in the later stages of chronic kidney disease should limit fluid intake because as kidney function is lost the kidneys can no longer remove excess fluid, which can lead to serious complications. If you have CKD, its important to recognize which foods to count as fluid to help improve or maintain your health.

Why people with CKD need to control fluid

Water is extremely important to your health but too much can create serious difficulties for patients whose kidneys are no longer able to remove excess fluid. For those living with CKD, having a limited ability to eliminate the fluid they take in can result in swelling of feet and legs, shortness of breath, additional strain on the heart, heart failure and fatigue. Your doctor and dietitian will provide you with a fluid-restricted diet unique to your needs to avoid these serious problems. In addition to this diet, daily monitoring of your weight and the use of prescribed diuretics will keep you at a safe weight.

How to control fluid

Are Mandarin Oranges Good For Health

Mandarin orange is a very popular fruit among the Chinese especially during Chinese New Year. Are you aware about the benefits and risks while enjoying mandarin oranges?

Vitamins in Mandarin Oranges

The raw mandarin fruit is enriched with nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, organic acids, amino acids and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

The high level of Vitamin C contributes to its antioxidant properties preventing oxidation damage on body cells.Its antioxidizing action also promotes skin and gum health.

In the citrus fruit family, mandarin oranges has amongst the highest value of carotenoid cryptoxanthin . It is a useful source of Vitamin A and it is important in improving eyesight and the immune system. The recommended daily requirement for Vitamin A and C are met by consuming approximately 4 Mandarin oranges.

Protein and Potassium in Mandarin Oranges

The juice sacs of Mandarin oranges carry an abundance of amino acids. Asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid, proline and glutamine are the most dominant non-essential amino acids in the mandarins. These amino acids help in repairing body cells, building up muscles and promoting nerve health.

Mandarin oranges are also a good source of potassium and it has a very low amount of sodium. It is therefore suitable to be consumed by those who have high blood pressure and can promote heart health by lowering the blood pressure.

Risks associated with excessive intake of Mandarin Oranges


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Most Beans And Lentils

In most cases, beans and lentils are considered healthy and convenient.

However, for people with kidney disease and diabetes, beans and lentils both canned and fresh are not ideal due to their relatively high phosphorus content. Canned versions are typically also high in sodium.

For example, 1 cup of canned lentils contains 633 mg of potassium and 309 mg of phosphorus.

If you enjoy beans and lentils, you can still eat them in small amounts but not as a standard carb component of your meal.

If you choose canned beans and lentils, opt for a low sodium or no salt added version. Also, older research suggests that draining and rinsing canned foods can reduce their sodium content by as much as 3380%, depending on the product .

Another factor to consider is how much potassium your body absorbs from different food sources. Only about 4050% of phosphorus is absorbed from plant sources, compared with up to 70% from animal sources .

Theres also evidence that plant-based diets, which rely more on legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds for protein, may slow the progression of chronic kidney disease .


Most beans and lentils are high in phosphorus and potassium, which means theyre not ideal for people who have kidney disease and diabetes. If you choose to eat them, opt for a smaller portion and choose low sodium versions.

Diet Tips To Help Prevent Or Manage Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney foods

Heres what you need to know about following a kidney-friendly diet.

More than one in seven American adults has chronic kidney disease , according to the American Kidney Fund, but most dont know theyre affected until the condition is already advanced. Because late-stage kidney disease can cause a buildup of waste in your body and lead to a number of other health conditions including gout, bone disease, and heart disease, its a good idea protect your kidney health even if you havent been diagnosed with CKD.

Your diet is one of the most important ways you can help keep your kidneys healthy to prevent or manage CKD. Heres what you need to know about eating to support kidney health.

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List Of Fruits That Contain Fluid But Dont Count As Part Of The Fluid Allowance

Fruits are considered water-rich foods that will help you stay hydrated, but not all of them are kidney-friendly for dialysis patients who must keep track of their daily fluid allowance. The following fruits below may be high in water content but they are not included as part of the fluid allowance:

Which Fruits Are Bad For The Kidneys

When it comes to kidney health, fruits are on both sides of the fence. A person with renal illness should avoid high-potassium fruits.

  • Bananas are high in potassium, with about 422 mg per medium-sized banana.
  • As a result, if this fruit is a daily mainstay for people with chronic renal disease, maintaining a daily potassium intake of less than 2,000 to 2,500 mg may be difficult.
  • Although oranges and orange juice are loaded with antioxidants, they are high in potassium.
  • Oranges and orange juice should be avoided or limited on a renal diet due to their high potassium level although they are best recognized for their vitamin C content.
  • Grapes, apples, and cranberries are all suitable replacements for oranges.
  • Dried fruits are not recommended for people with renal disease or diabetes because they contain a lot of sugar and minerals such as potassium.
  • In reality, half a cup of dried apricots contains about 755 milligrams of potassium.
  • Dried fruits are strong in fast-digesting sugar, which is undesirable if you have diabetes.
  • Avocados are high in potassium. One avocado weighing about 200 grams contains 975 mg of potassium, almost half of the daily recommended amount for people with kidney disease.
  • Because kiwifruit contains a lot of oxalates, people who have kidney stones should avoid eating it. Furthermore, kiwifruits are high in potassium, which may be problematic for people with renal problems.
  • Other fruits to avoid or limit for people with kidney disease

    Recommended Reading: What Is 3rd Stage Kidney Failure

    Incorporate Tasty Fruits Regularly Into Your Diet

    great food choicesFor more ways to incorporate fruits into your kidney disease diet, search our recipes.

    References1Dreher ML. Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects. Nutrients. 2018 10:1833. doi:10.3390/nu101218332 Collins MW, Saag KG, Singh JA. Is there a role for cherries in the management of gout? Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2019 11. doi:10.1177/1759720x198470183National Kidney Foundation. Why You Should Avoid Eating Starfruit. Accessed March 2, 2022. .

    Are Other Juices Good For Kidney Stones

    Healthy Fruits for Kidney Patients | Fruits to Eat by Kidney Patients

    What about juices other than orange juice? Are they good for kidney stones?

    Nearly all types of juice contains some citrate. Again, ALL fruits and vegetables have citrate in them.

    Grapefruit juice tends to have the most citrate followed by lemon juice , orange juice , pineapple juice , and cranberry juice .

    However, remember that ALL juice has sugar in it without the benefit of fiber. Yes, even 100% juice! I dont recommend any type of juice for kidney stone prevention.

    However, just like orange juice, if you really like juice, it can be a part of a healthy diet. Ask your dietitian what is best for you!

    Also Check: How To Heal Kidney Function Naturally

    The Kidney Disease Solution Ebook

    This is the central section of the program with 114 pages divided into 13 chapters. Its an extensive, step-by step guide to the entire program. It has all the information you will need on changing your life style and treating your kidneys. The solutions that are provided in the book are backed by the latest research and research, all in an the language that is easy to comprehend.

    Eat The Right Amount Of Calories

    Calories are like fuel and give your body energy. Calories come from the protein, fat and carbs in your diet. How many calories you need depends on your age, gender, body size and activity level.

    You may need to adjust how many calories you eat to stay at a healthy weight. Some people will need to limit the calories they eat. Others may need to have more calories. Your doctor or dietitian can help you figure out how many calories you should have each day.

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    Choose The Right Types Of Fat

    Fat gives you energy and helps you use some of the vitamins in your food. You need some fat in your eating plan to stay healthy. Too much fat can lead to weight gain and heart disease. Limit fat in your meal plan, and choose healthier fats when you can, such as olive oil.

    Choosing the right types of fat is also part of a heart-healthy eating plan called DASH.

    Kidney Health Grocery Shopping List

    Kidney Stones Orange Juice

    This is another excellent supplement to your cookbook and meal planner. The main ingredient to have a healthy kidney is the diet, so you need to replace unhealthy food with nutritious ones. This helpful guide will help you pick the right food items next time you are shopping for groceries. It lists out the foods you should consume and what to avoid to enhance kidney function.

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    Are Oranges Safe To Eat With Kidney Disease

    Oranges with kidney disease can be a controversial topic. Many nephrologists and dietitians often discourage high citrus fruits for people with kidney disease as it contains high amounts of potassium. However, people with healthy potassium levels can actually benefit from citrus fruits as they increase the citrate in your urine, lowering your risk of kidney stones. Oranges are packed with vitamin C and the protein content is very minuscule. Eating oranges in a chronic kidney disease diet can be done right if your potassium levels are in a healthy range. Due to the oranges high potassium and sugar content, you must limit oranges and orange juice to moderate amounts.

    An orange typically packs around 170mg 330mg of potassium. High potassium content in oranges is the main spoiler if you have kidney issues. Potassium is an important mineral that your body gets from fruits and vegetables and getting the right amount of potassium can largely benefit your cardiovascular health. Normal functioning kidneys can remove excess potassium from your blood and excrete it through your urine but with kidney disease and CKD, your kidneys will have a hard time flushing out the extra potassium in your blood. With kidney disease, you should always monitor your potassium levels.

    Determining Best Fruits For Kidneys And Gout

    First, lets be clear, this is far from being a scientific report. The purpose here is to simplify the choices of fruits to eat if you are a gout sufferer.

    It should help whenever questions like: Which fruits best help with my gout?, What other fruits can I eat if Im sick of cherries? or What are the right fruits to use when making a gout-fighting smoothie?

    To determine which fruits were worthy, it was necessary to verify which nutrients help the kidneys and lower uric acid. Nine major nutrients were found to have the most benefits for these conditions.

    For maintaining healthy kidneys, five vitamins , and two minerals are known to be most effective.

    For gout and lowering uric, vitamin C, malic acid, and anthocyanins are three substances often recommended in natural remedies.

    Fruits were sorted by their concentrations of the nine nutrients. Evidently, vitamin C is found in most fruits that help the kidneys and defend against gout. It was used as the starting point to categorize all fruits. From there, the other nutrients were sorted in the order shown on the chart.

    To shorten the list to 24, fruits needed to rank highest for most vitamin C, and have four or more nutrients with more than a 2% daily value .

    If this was not done, the list would have been over 100 fruits! Nobody has time for that right?

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    Also Check: Grapes Kidney Stones

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    Limit Your Salt Intake

    Sodium sneaks its way into all sorts of places you wouldnt imagine, especially packaged foods such as soups and breads. Limiting your sodium intake helps keep your blood pressure under control. Aim for 2,300 mg per day, according to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration thats about 1 teaspoon of table salt.

    If youre at risk of or already have high blood pressure, Maruschak suggests following a low-sodium diet specifically the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eating plan. Also try these tips to keep your sodium in check:

    Renal Diet: Fruits For Pre

    Fruits Safe for Kidney Patients | WHICH FRUIT ARE GOOD FOR KIDNEY PATIENT

    If youre on a pre-dialysis renal diet, then youll be happy to know that all fruits are low in sodium and protein, which makes them all allowable on a pre-dialysis diet. The only restrictions come into the picture when there are extra dietary needs, such as with diabetes.-Renal Diet Fruit

    If youre on a dialysis renal diet, some fruits are allowed while others are not. The difference between a pre-dialysis diet and a dialysis diet is that potassium foods and phosphorus foods are restricted with dialysis. Fruits high in potassium will have to be limited. Heres a list: nectarines oranges, orange juice kiwi grapefruit apricots avocado

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    Kidney Stones And Orange Juice

    • Stay hydrated drinking fluids helps dilute the substances that lead to kidney stones. 100% orange juice is ideal for hydration because it contains a high level of water content 88 percent to be exact.
    • Get enough calcium calcium can bind to food oxalates when consumed together and may reduce the risk of developing one common type of kidney stone.1 Fortified orange juice is an excellent source of calcium and typically contains 350 mg of calcium,2 or about 30% of the recommended Daily Value3* in one 8-ounce glass.
    • Avoid too much sodium excess sodium is associated with calcium loss, and calcium may bind to compounds in urine to form stones.
    • Limit animal protein consuming too much animal protein can lead to high levels of uric acid that may lead to stone formation. Animal proteins also contain phosphates, another factor that may raise the risk of kidney stones.1
    • Drink Florida Orange Juice Florida Orange Juice, along with other citrus beverages, has citrate, which may help prevent kidney stones.

    Giving Up Oxalates For Good Will Fix The Problem

    If you happen to be particularly susceptible to calcium oxalate stones, it may be a good idea to reduce your oxalate intake.

    However, there is a downside to this dietary recommendation that is often overlooked. Many high-oxalate foods are also rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, and phytate, all of which inhibit the occurrence of kidney stones.

    Thus, instead of avoiding such healthful sources of nutrients altogether, try to consume them in moderation.

    Besides, some people are naturally better at absorbing oxalates than others, and thus such oxalate restrictive diets do not apply uniformly to all.

    People with unfavorably high oxalate levels can naturally bring down the amount of oxalate absorption by consuming a high-calcium diet.

    If your urine oxalate level continues to be high regardless, ask a dietitian or other health care professional about how strictly you need to avoid oxalate-containing foods.

    All in all, eliminating oxalate-rich foods from your diet alone will not prevent calcium oxalate kidney stones from forming and will only give you a false sense of security.

    Research suggests that the best way to curb stone formation is to pair high calcium foods with oxalate-rich ones during a meal. This allows the two to bind together in the stomach and intestines before the kidneys begin processing them, making it less likely that kidney stones will form.

    Pro Tip

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    Healthful Foods For Fighting Kidney Disease

    Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common risk factors for developing kidney disease. Obesity, your gender, smoking, genetics, and your age all add to your risk. Even if you are free from kidney disease at the moment, consider these 20 healthful foods for fighting kidney disease.

    Will I Get Enough Vitamins On A Kidney

    ROGER BEZANIS on Twitter

    Your doctor or dietitian can help you find vitamins that are right for you. To help you get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, your dietitian may suggest you take:

    • A special supplement made for people with kidney disease
    • A special kind of vitamin D, folic acid or iron pill, to help prevent some common side effects of kidney disease, such as bone disease and anemia

    Regular multi-vitamins may not be healthy for you if you have kidney disease. They may have too much of some vitamins and not enough of others.

    Tell your doctor and dietitian about any vitamins, supplements or over-the-counter medicines you are taking. Some can cause more damage to your kidneys or cause other health problems.

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