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HomeStoneWhen Should You Go To The Er For Kidney Stones

When Should You Go To The Er For Kidney Stones

What Kind Of Treatment Is Available For Kidney Stones

When You Have Kidney Stones

Treatment options for kidney stones include:

  • Allowing the stone to pass by itself.
  • Using medications to help the stone pass.
  • Surgery to treat or remove a stone.

Treatment options are based on the size of the kidney stone, and its location, within the urinary system. In general, stones less than 5 millimeters in size have a 50% chance of passing out of the body with conservative therapy alone. Kidney stones that are larger than 5 mm are often treated surgically.

If you dont meet the criteria to go to the emergency room, but still suspect you might have a kidney stone, please contact us to make an appointment.

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Should I Go To The Er Or Not Kidney Pain


I just posted about kidney stones. I’ve had them before. I have had pain that I thought was female pain. But at my gyn appt last week no female issues were seen. However, I had blood and protein in urine. Then I remembered last time I had kidney stones I thought it was female issues. But then the pain was very extreme. This time, it’s more nagging/aching but it is painful. The pain this time is more in my flank/kidney area and bladder. I was negative for UTI. It’s Sat and the Dr’s office closed. I could go to urgent care, but they don’t have imaging so they couldnt really tell me what is wrong, correct? I would rather do that, it’s much cheaper. But I want to know what’s going on and if this is about ot progress to really bad pain soon like last time I had kidney stones. I will need some strong pain meds. I am not even sure this is kidney stones. What else could cause blood in urine and pain and protein in urine?Should I go to ER or does this not warrant a trip?

Er Patients Discharged After Kidney Stone Evaluation Likely To Return

DURHAM, N.C. One in nine patients released from the emergency department after treatment for a kidney stone will face a repeat visit, according to findings by Duke Medicine researchers.

In a study published online in the journal Academic Emergency Medicine, Duke researchers and their colleagues have identified multiple factors that correlate with repeat emergency room visits for kidney stones. The findings may provide physicians and patients with a blueprint for how to improve care for a condition that is both painful and costly.

This is the first study that has looked at what happens to a large group of patients after they leave the emergency department, said lead author Charles Scales, M.D., assistant professor of Surgery at Duke University School of Medicine. Prior work in this area has really only looked at the processes of care during an emergency department visit, but not outcomes after patients go home.

More than one million people visit the emergency department annually for kidney stones and that number is on the rise.

The prevalence of kidney stones has nearly doubled in the past 15 years, Scales said. This is likely related to the increasing obesity rates in the U.S. population and the diet and lifestyle of Americans today.

Symptoms that lead to patients returning include uncontrolled pain, severe vomiting leading to dehydration, or infections that coincide with kidney stones conditions that can require an emergency operation.

Read Also: How To Make Passing Kidney Stones Easier

Rely On The Team From Caprock Health For Your Emergency Medical Needs

Ultimately, kidney stones come in all shapes and forms. Not everyone will need to go to the ER for a kidney stone, but there are some people who might require this type of care. At CapRock Health, we are proud to serve the College Station region, and we give you access to some of the best emergency medical doctors and facilities in the industry. If you have questions or concerns about any medical issues, reach out to us today. We are always available to assist you.

When To Go To Emergency Room For Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone Hospital Emergency

When to go to emergency room for kidney stones

At Bellaire ER educating our patients is part of the treatment. Making an appointment to see your doctor is not always the best option. Sometimes, the emergency room is the best place to get your problem checked out.

Understanding Kidney Stones

These are crystals that form because of substances within urine. When they coalesce, it usually tends to cause pain for the patient. Most kidney stones are quite small. When they form in the kidneys, they will usually travel done a tiny tube connecting the bladder to the kidney call the ureter.

They are usually tiny and inconsequential. However, they can sometimes grow so big that they fill the entire kidney. Kidney stones mostly affect men and women. However, children can be affected too, although it is quite rare. The kidney stones are most prevalent in southern states with a warmer climate.

How to tell if you have Kidney Stones

Kidney stones do not have any symptoms in most cases. The reason is that they are usually so small that they pass out of the body undetected. However, symptoms will appear if you have large kidney stones.

Large stones block the urine flow, which leads to serious symptoms. However, not all symptoms justify a hospital visit. Kidney pain does not always lead to blocked urine flow. At times, it can be lodged in a certain area of the kidneys, causing a lot of pain.

When to Visit the Emergency Room

What Happens at the ER

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Have A Severe Kidney Infection Head To A Complete Care Er Facility Asap

If youre ever questioning should I go to the ER for a kidney infection, dont hesitate to stop by a Complete Care emergency facility for hospital-quality emergency care service. Our ER laboratories provide precise kidney function testing and urinalysis so we can get to the bottom of your kidney infection faster.

Trust us to take complete care of you. We treat any and all medical emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit any of our emergency room locations in Texas and Colorado Springs today!

More Helpful Articles by Complete Care:

What Will An Er Doctor Do

If you visit the ER, there are a few ways the doctor can help you. First, the ER doctor will give you medication to control your pain and vomiting. The ER doctor might also place an IV to make sure you are hydrated. The ER doctor can also use imaging scans to find the kidney stone and size it.

Then, the ER can reach out to a urologist or nephrologist who can help you get rid of your kidney stone. This could include ultrasound technology to break up the stone into smaller pieces, or this could include a procedure to remove the kidney stone from the ureter manually.

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Large Stones With Severe Symptoms

When a kidney stone cannot be treated with conservative measures, they may require more extensive treatment. Some of the procedures used to treat more serious kidney stones include:

  • Sound wave therapy: Certain kidney stones can be treated using extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, or ESWL. During this non-invasive procedure, youll lie on a water-filled cushion as the physician uses X-rays and ultrasound to locate the stone. Then, sound waves are used to break the stone into smaller, passable pieces.
  • Surgery: If a kidney stone is very large, surgery may be required to remove it from the urinary tract. Small telescopic instruments are inserted through a small incision in the back to remove the stone. General anesthesia is used during the procedure, which typically involves a 12 day hospital stay.
  • Removing stones with a scope: Small stones can be removed from the ureter using a thin, lighted tube known as a ureteroscope. The tube contains a small camera, which allows the provider to locate the kidney stone. Once the stone is found, the provider will use tools to break down the stone or simply remove it.

While passing a kidney stone can be uncomfortable, pain can often be managed with the help of a provider or at your nearest MD Now center. If youve noticed the signs of kidney stones, seek medical attention quicklyespecially if your symptoms are severe. Getting the care you need will ensure a faster and more comfortable recovery.

How Are Kidney Stones Treated

Treating Kidney Stones | Ask a Doc

The treatment prescribed for kidney stones will depend on their size and how much pain you feel. If the stones are small, your doctor may recommend taking painkillers and waiting to see if they will pass out without intervention. You should drink plenty of water, up to ten glasses a day, to help flush them through your system.

If your kidney stones are too large to pass through the ureter, a range of medical treatments are possible. Your doctor may prescribe oral medication to soften the ureter wall and allow the stones to pass more easily. If the treatment is successful, the doctor may offer other medicine to stop kidney stones reforming.

Another possibility is shock wave therapy, which uses focused shocks of ultrasound to break up the stones. This procedure is non-invasive, as the waves pass through the body and only damage the kidney stones. But you might feel discomfort in the first few days after the treatment.

If your kidney stones have progressed to the bladder, you may need an operation called an ureteroscopy. In an ureteroscopy, the doctor inserts a tube into the urinary tract. At the end of the tube a tiny camera and a light help the doctor locate the stones. Tiny instruments extend from the tube and the doctor uses them to crush up the stones, sucking the fragments out through the tube.

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Severe Kidney Infection Symptoms

Should I go to the ER for a kidney infection? Yes, if your symptoms are more advanced than those listed above. If you notice any of the following severe kidney infection symptoms, head to your nearest emergency room immediately:

  • Pain in your back, side, or groin
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • High fever
  • Shaking and chills

Certain individuals including pregnant women, young children, or those with weakened immune systems may need more specialized care if exhibiting severe kidney infection symptoms. Feel free to call your primary care physician or nearest Complete Care facility if you have any questions on where to take your loved one for treatment.

Procedures Diagnoses And Icd

Multiple surgical procedures can be listed on a record in the SID and SASD. A hierarchical algorithm assigns the most extensive procedure to each record by evaluating all procedures listed on the record. Procedures are de-duplicated: if a particular procedure occurs multiple times during the same surgical visit or hospital stay, it is counted only once.

Similarly, multiple diagnoses can be listed on a record in the SID and SASD. A hierarchical algorithm assigns the most serious diagnosis to each record by evaluating all diagnoses listed on the record.

The principal diagnosis is that condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for the patients admission to the hospital. Secondary diagnoses are concomitant conditions that coexist at the time of admission or that develop during the stay.

ICD-9-CM is the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, which assigns numeric codes to diagnoses and procedures. There are about 14,000 ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes and about 4,000 ICD-9-CM procedure codes.

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When Do You Need To Go To The Emergency Room

There are some situations where this care at home might not be enough to get the kidney stone to pass. As a result, you might need to go to the ER. Some of the signs that you need medical care for your kidney stone:

  • The abdominal pain is so excruciating that you cannot seem to control it at home.
  • You have developed a fever, which could be a sign that you have an infection building in your bladder and kidneys called pyelonephritis.
  • You have nausea and vomiting to the point where you have become dehydrated and are unable to keep up with the fluid loss.

If you experience these symptoms, you need to go to the ER for emergency medical care.

Do They Keep You In The Hospital For Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone Doctor Or Er

I saw a urologist two years ago and they said they were kidney stones and they had to put me in the hospital. The reason they did this was because it had started to move down into my ureter, which is the tube that takes urine from your kidney to your bladder. When this happens, it can cause a blockage in the tube and there is only one way to get rid of it, which would be surgery. Im not sure if these are common, or if they are just too small .

They said that most people who have them dont even know whats going on until after it passes through their system . They dont usually have any symptoms at all unless it gets stuck somewhere along its path.

I would recommend seeing your doctor about this issue as soon as possible so that you can get treated for whatever is causing your pain!

The treatment for kidney stones depends on their size, location, and number.

Kidney stones that are small enough to pass on their own may not need any treatment. However, if the stone is large or causing discomfort or pain, it will likely need to be removed.

Treatment options include:

Other pain relievers include acetaminophen or tramadol , but these arent recommended for people with kidney disease .

Surgery to remove the stone. Surgery is an option when medications arent effective and you experience ongoing pain from a kidney stone

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors:

How large are the kidney stones?

Are they impacted or floating?

What is your general health and age?

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What Is A Kidney Stone Emergency

You may be experiencing a kidney stone emergency if the following apply:

  • A fever above 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Burning during urination.
  • Cloudy or foul smelling urine.
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting.
  • Intolerable pain.
  • Certain medical conditions that can make passing a stone potentially more dangerous: having only one kidney, diabetes or decreased kidney function.

How Long Do You Stay In The Hospital For A Kidney Stone

Your hospital stay will depend on the severity of your case of kidney stones. If youre able to pass it without surgery or shock therapy , you may wind up staying in the ER for up 24 hours. While youre at the hospital, youll be given plenty of fluids and possibly an anti-inflammatory and painkillers to make the process more bearable. Ideally, the fluids will flush out the stones and youll find relief.

If not, however, your doctor may run a series of tests to see if further action is necessary. In the most severe scenario resulting in kidney stone removal surgery, you would only need to stay in the hospital for a maximum of a couple of days afterward, though many people are able to leave within a day after surgery. Your doctor will likely only recommend surgery if shock therapy doesnt work or if the stones are simply too big to be passed naturally, which they would determine through a CT scan.

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Signs That You Have Kidney Stones

The following are indications of kidney stones:

  • Sharp pain in the side of your back spreads to your groin or abdomen.
  • Pain that feels like its spreading to your testicles or vagina.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, but only small amounts come out at a time. Or, you may have trouble starting to urinate.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • How Do I Know If I Have A Kidney Stone

    How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones!

    It is not always possible to self-diagnose a kidney stone, though certain signs and symptoms may point to the likelihood that you have a stone. Keep in mind, kidney stones may cause virtually no symptoms early on. In fact, many patients are unaware that they have kidney stones until the stones begin to pass. Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with passing a kidney stone include:

    • Pain in the back or flank, typically on one side only
    • Lower abdominal pain
    • Fever, chills, or sweating

    If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you may be attempting to pass a kidney stone. The only way to determine with certainty whether or not you have a stone, where in the urinary tract the stone currently is, and whether it has a high probability of passing on its own is to obtain a diagnosis from a medical professional using imaging studies and other diagnostic tools.

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    Location Of Patients Residence

    Place of residence is based on the urban-rural classification scheme for U.S. counties developed by the National Center for Health Statistics :

    as accessed on January 12, 2012.


    Graham A, Luber S, Wolfson AB. Urolithiasis in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Clinic of North America.2011 29:51938.


    Seitz C, Liatsikos E, Porpiglia F, Tiselius HG, Zwergel U. Medical therapy to facilitate the passage of stones: what is the evidence? European Urology. 2009 56:45571.


    Singh A, Alter H, Littlepage A. A systematic review of medical therapy to facilitate passage of ureteral calculi. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2007 50:552563.


    Scales CD Jr, Smith AC, Hanley JM, Saigal CS. Prevalence of kidney stones in America. European Urology. 2012 62:1605.

    What Happens If You Let Kidney Stones Go Untreated

    If you ignore kidney stones, they can cause serious complications. The most common complication is a blocked ureter, which is when a stone gets stuck in one of your tubes that transports urine from your kidney to the bladder. This can lead to infection and possible scarring of the tube.

    Another common complication is an infection, which occurs when bacteria enters your urinary tract through an open wound caused by passing a stone. If the infection spreads into your bloodstream, it can be life-threatening.

    Other complications include:

    Chronic pain, which may last for years

    Blood in your urine , which is usually caused by bleeding from a blockage in one of your tubes that connects your kidney to the bladder or urethra

    The longer you wait to treat a kidney stone, the more likely it is to become larger and more difficult to pass.

    If you experience pain in your lower back that doesnt go away or if you pass blood in your urine, see a doctor immediately. These symptoms can indicate that the stone has moved into your urinary tract and caused an obstruction that requires surgery.

    Kidney stones can also cause infection. If you have a kidney stone, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after using the bathroom, even if it doesnt hurt. This will help reduce the risk of introducing bacteria from the stool into your urinary tract.

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