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HomeHealthIs Coffee Bad For Your Kidneys

Is Coffee Bad For Your Kidneys

How To Consume Coffee Well

Drinks For Your Kidneys – Coffee and Kidney Disease: The Pros and Cons

When we think about the side effects of coffee, do not worry about the amount of caffeine we consume, but what about all the chemicals and other impurities that are in coffee?

Itâs actually a common occurrence and thereâs nothing to worry about. The only side effect of coffee time of concern is when a person has a condition that has a previous illness or is pregnant.

In this situation, it is best to avoid taking stimulants such as caffeine altogether. Even in adults who are not troubled, if you take in large amounts of caffeine, it may experience side effects.

One of the most common side effects of coffee is the âcoffee accidentâ. This is basically a mild to the high coffee accident but something that can be attributed to coffee drinkers, especially if they have been drinking a lot recently.

Basically, the central nervous system reacts to large amounts of caffeine by making you feel very tired and irritable. This effect is also there if it has taken in a large amount of decaf coffee as well.

There is one way to counteract this effect by gradually reducing the amount of coffee you drink over time until the ideal amount is about one to two cups a day.

Another side effect of caffeine is anxiety that may come with you if it has been awake for a while. Itâs basically the same feeling, get after too many dinners the night before.

Is Coffee Mate Bad For Your Kidneys

If consumed in moderation, Coffee-mate poses minimal risk to your kidney.

However, coffee itself contains potassium which increases when you add milk and creamers to it.

High level of potassium can potentially damage your kidney which can lead to chronic kidney disease and may also become dangerous in your blood.

Heres the thing though

As long as youre just using a small amount of Coffee-mate on your coffee, the risk is very minimal.

How The Scientists Explain The Effect Of Coffee On Kidney Stone Formation

The scientists offer a few reasons for why coffee may help reduce the occurrence of kidney stones, noting that caffeine increases urine flow, “which represents an important protective factor against the development of kidney stones,” they said.

They added that caffeine “can also reduce calcium oxalate crystal adhesion to kidney cells,” and that “coffee plants are rich in citric acid urinary citrate is a known inhibitor of renal stone formation.”

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Caffeine And Fluid Balance

However, Maughan and Griffin went on to say that the dangers of caffeine-caused diuresis have been overrated. They reviewed many scientific articles published on caffeine and fluid balance that were published between 1966 and 2002. The review showed that although large doses of caffeine taken in a short period of time can stimulate urine output, people quickly develop tolerance to the effects of the caffeine, diminishing the diuretic effect in those who regularly consume coffee or tea. Maughan and Griffin concluded the caffeine doses found in standard servings of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee or energy drinks would not affect fluid balance.

Is Drinking Coffee/caffeine Bad For Your Kidneys

How coffee affects your health?
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CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS, BLOOD PRESSURE, AND KIDNEY DISEASEHowever, despite the possibility of these kidney damaging effects of caffeine that would “make sense”, the evidence has not quite panned out that way

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One Of The More Troubling Effects Of Coffee Is:

His ability to raise blood pressure

It can cause heart attacks and strokes, two of the most common causes of death in the United States.

High glucose concentrations in coffee increase the amount of power that the heart should use when pumping blood, which in turn leads to an increase in blood pressure.

While many people believe they can drink a cup of coffee a day and never have any adverse effects, experts advise limiting coffee consumption to no more than three cups a day to avoid an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

People who have a family history of high blood pressure should also limit their coffee consumption to no more than three cups a day, as too much can lead to a condition called family hypercoleleoleemia, or high blood pressure caused by inherited traits.

Another known effect is that it can affect the liver. This is especially true because coffee has certain toxins in it that can be harmful.

If you have liver problems, it is advisable to avoid coffee at all means. This is the main reason why should only drink decaffeinated coffee since it is much healthier.

What Is Bad For Your Kidneys

Eating Processed Foods Processed foods are significant sources of sodium and phosphorus. Many people who have kidney disease need to limit phosphorus in their diets. Some studies have shown that high phosphorus intake from processed foods in people without kidney disease may be harmful to their kidneys and bones.

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Coffee And Fatty Liver Disease

Coffee is one of the worlds most popular drinks. Thats led to lots of researchers exploring the health effects of a java habit. Overall, those studies spell good news for liver health.

Coffee is especially helpful when it comes to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, says Dr. Wakim-Fleming.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when extra fat builds up in liver cells. It affects 1 in 4 people in the U.S., mostly in those who carry excess weight or have diabetes or high cholesterol. Over time, it can cause cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. That scarring can lead to liver cancer or liver failure.

But research shows that people who drink a lot of coffee have a lower risk of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Coffee appears to protect people who already have liver problems. Theres evidence that coffee is beneficial for people with hepatitis C, a virus that infects the liver and can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

In people who already have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, regular coffee drinking lowers the odds of developing cirrhosis. And among people who have cirrhosis, those who drink more coffee are less likely to die from the disease.

Green Tea And Kidneys

What are the Top 5 Drinks for Your Kidneys | The Cooking Doc

Good news for green tea lovers! Green tea was found to help prevent the progression of kidney disease, due to the polyphenols and you probably already know it’s not nearly as high in caffeine as black tea or coffee .

Green teas also contain lower levels of oxalates than some other beverages, and higher levels of EGCG, which means green tea may help prevent kidney stone formation .

Furthermore, green tea does not contain creatinine – a waste product produced by the body that healthy kidneys filter from the blood. Unhealthy kidneys may not filter this chemical efficiently, causing creatinine levels in the blood to increase . But with green tea, theres no need to worry about that.

To learn more about green teas benefits, including the difference between Chinese and Japanese green teas, check out our spotlight post.

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Is Instant Coffee Bad For Kidneys

Home » Is Instant Coffee Bad for Kidneys?

Coffee has continued to grow in popularity as a drink of choice in any situation. As it has become more common, many researchers and health professionals have studied the effects of coffee on the body. Kidneys are important to many health functions, and instant coffee is one of the most common drinks available. Some people have debated whether or not instant coffee has any impact on kidney health.

Instant coffee has greater positive effects on the kidneys than negative effects. Studies have found that coffee has had a productive effect on the kidneys in women. It is mainly a persons pre-existing health conditions that will determine if instant coffee will cause problems.

Instant coffee is a quick and convenient way to have coffee in the morning, and you wont have to worry about kidney issues. However, there are some health benefits and risks that everyone should be aware of so they can choose the healthiest option for their day-to-day life.

Oranges And Orange Juice

While oranges and orange juice are arguably most well known for their vitamin C content, theyre also rich sources of potassium.

One large orange provides 333 mg of potassium. Moreover, there are 473 mg of potassium in 1 cup of orange juice .

Given their potassium content, oranges and orange juice likely need to be avoided or limited on a renal diet.

Grapes, apples, and cranberries, as well as their respective juices, are all good substitutes for oranges and orange juice, as they have lower potassium contents.


Oranges and orange juice are high in potassium and should be limited on a renal diet. Try grapes, apples, cranberries, or their juices instead.

Processed meats are meats that have been salted, dried, cured, or canned.

Some examples include hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni, jerky, and sausage.

Processed meats typically contain large amounts of salt, mostly to improve their taste and preserve flavor.

Therefore, it may be difficult to keep your daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg if processed meats are abundant in your diet.

Additionally, processed meats are high in protein.

If you have been told to monitor your protein intake, its important to limit processed meats for this reason as well.


Processed meats are high in salt and protein and should be consumed in moderation on a renal diet.

Pickles, processed olives, and relish are all examples of cured or pickled foods.

Usually, large amounts of salt are added during the curing or pickling process.


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Caffeine And Kidney Stones

Caffeine consumption has been linked to kidney stones. Calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stone, are formed from the combined crystals of calcium and oxalate. In a study reported in the August 2004 “Journal of Urology,” study participants who had a history of calcium kidney stones but normal serum calcium levels were given 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight after fasting for 14 hours. The caffeine increased urinary calcium levels, causing researchers to conclude there was a modest increase in the risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones after caffeine consumption.

Does Coffee Mate Make You Gain Weight

Is Coffee Bad For Kidney Infection

Coffee-mate has zero added sugar and only 10 calories, which in theory, wont make you gain weight.

Added sugar is the culprit of weight gain and other health complications such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

The American Heart Association recommends a daily added sugar limit of six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men.

Also, bear in mind, there are no nutritional benefits that you can gain from eating added sugar. So, you better stay away from it as much as possible!

In addition, these 10 calories that youll get from Coffee-mate is nothing based on the recommended level of calorie intake per day which is:

2000 calories per day

Recommended Calorie Intake For Men and Women

From these accounts, Id say there is a small possibility of weight gain due to the use of the Coffee-mate creamer provided youre only using the right amount on your coffee.

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Choose Your Milk Or Creamer Carefully

Many coffee creamers come with added phosphates. This can be especially true in powdered creamers.

Kidney-Friendly Coffee Creamers

Check the refrigerated section to have your best pick of additive-free coffee creamers, including CoffeeMate Natural Bliss line. Even the plant-based options like Sweet Oat Milk are kidney-friendly!

Hypertension And High Blood Pressure

Drinking coffee causes a sudden increase in blood pressure. So, people who experience hypertension can experience a more prominent increase in blood pressure levels. People who have hypertension and drink more than 2 cups seem to experience more fluctuation in their health. As a result of increased blood pressure, the risk for kidney diseases and renal failure also increases.

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How Much Black Tea Is Safe

Of course, having a cup of black tea every so often is perfectly safe for most people. Even though black tea contains higher oxalate levels than most teas, its generally not enough to worry about.

One study looked at the amount of oxalates in black tea and found quite low levels. They concluded that drinking 4 cups of black tea would not pose a risk to kidney stones, and for kidney stone patients they recommended not to consume anything with more than 10 mg of oxalate, which is just over two 8oz mugs according to this study .

Whether you can consume black tea with a kidney condition depends on how severe your condition is, how much youre consuming, and your doctors instructions. While most people can drink reasonable amounts of black tea with no problem, be sure to check with your healthcare professional first if you have issues with kidney health.

Is Yerba Mate Tea Good Or Bad For Kidneys

Effects of Coffee on Kidneys | Is Coffee Good for Kidney | Coffee For Kidney Patients, Kidney Expert

Yerba mate is an herbal tea native to South America with a smooth, woody flavor. Its high in antioxidants and nutrients. We bring it up here because it has a caffeine content comparable to coffee, making it a popular coffee alternative for waking you up in the morning.

Despite yerba mates benefits, there is little research on its relationship to kidney health. It does contain oxalic acid, an oxalate, so it should be avoided in excess when experiencing kidney conditions .

I have come across information that yerba mate may have properties which can help dissolve kidney stones. However, I have yet to verify this information with any reliable sources . At this time, Id recommend speaking to your physician and moderating your consumption of yerba mate if kidney health is a concern for you.

What we do know is that the antioxidants in yerba mate really make an impact in how the body responds to the high caffeine – in a good way. A much healthier way to get your high caffeine kick. To learn more about yerba mate and its benefits, check out our spotlight post!

Coffee, Black Tea and the Kidneys: The Conclusion:

For those who like cups and cups a day of coffee or black tea, the caffeine and oxalates should make you pause for thought if you care about your kidneys. BUT all is not lost, read on for…

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Drinking Alcohol In Excess

Regular heavy drinking more than four drinks a day has been found to double the risk chronic kidney disease. Heavy drinkers who also smoke have an even higher risk of kidney problems. Smokers who are heavy drinkers have about five times the chance of developing chronic kidney disease than people who dont smoke or drink alcohol to excess.

Studies On Coffee And Kidney Disease

Population-based epidemiological studies have tended to show an association between consumption of coffee and possibly a protective effect on kidney function.

A Korean study of more than 2,600 women showed that consumption of coffee was associated with a decreased risk of kidney disease, including in diabetic women. As we know in medicine though, population-based surveys are not enough to draw hard conclusions.

Therefore, given the pertinent and possibly controversial nature of the topic, a meta-analysis published in 2016 attempted to answer this very question. This meta-analysis showed no association between coffee consumption and increased risk of kidney disease in male patients.

Interestingly, it actually noted the possibility of a reduced risk of kidney disease in women who drink coffee. The conclusion regarding coffee, at least based on these data could be: harmless on male kidneys, and possibly beneficial to women’s.

The results of the above meta-analysis are similar to another study from another part of the world, specifically the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua where the lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease in coffee growing villages has been noted.

The exact mechanism for why coffee might play this protective role is still a subject of active study, but speculation ranges from the role of antioxidants present in coffee to coffee’s purported antidiabetic effect.

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Before We Start: Defining Some Basic Kidney Terms

Your kidneys are truly amazing. A healthy set of kidneys filters about ½ cup of blood every minute! They remove excess water and wastes from the blood .

Kidney infections occur when bacteria from the gut travel through the bladder and up to the kidneys . These are usually treated with antibiotics, and if you talk to your doctor, you may be able to add herbs to your treatment regimen to help ease pain and other symptoms.

Kidney stones are made up of crystal-forming substances, such as uric acid, calcium, oxalate, or cysteine. High levels of these in the urine and too little fluid to dilute them can cause stones . Drinking more fluids, changing the diet, and sometimes medication are used as preventative approaches .

Kidney disease or failure involves the loss of kidney function. Some causes include:

  • Obstructions .

Now, lets find out how your favorite beverages might play into all this.

Four Main Kinds Of Kidney Stones

Is coffee bad for your kidneys?

There are four main kinds of kidney stones:

  • Calcium oxalate stones, by far the most common type of kidney stone

  • Calcium phosphate stones, also very common

  • Uric acid stones, often associated with diabetes

  • Struvite stones, often caused by an active infection

The two most common kidney stones include calcium’ in their names, so does that mean you should cut out milk and other calcium-rich foods?

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