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HomeFactsCan You Pass Kidney Stones Through Sperm

Can You Pass Kidney Stones Through Sperm

Causes Of Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone Treatments

Kidney stones form when there is a change in the balance of water, salts and minerals found in urine. Common causes of kidney stones include:

  • Dehydration/not drinking enough water

  • Eating foods high in sugar or salt

  • Genetic predisposition

Kidney stones are most common in men between the ages of 20 and 49. The primary reasons men are more likely to develop kidney stones include:

  • Diet. A high protein, high salt diet makes kidney stones more likely. Men tend to have a greater intake of both.

  • Dehydration. Men tend to drink less water than the recommended daily intake about 64 ounces a day.

Can Kidney Stones Cause Urinary Retention

Urinary retention could be the result of two factors non-obstruction or obstruction. Kidney stones and bladder stones are an obstruction, meaning they can impede the urinary tract.

A swollen prostate can also trigger urinary retention. Its important to recognize the causes of an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and prostate tissue problems to get the necessary treatment.

Can Kidney Stones Affect Your Prostate

Every year more than 500,000 people seek emergency care for kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form within the kidneys when your body is not properly filtering waste and excess water. Kidney stones will eventually exit your body through the urinary tract. Kidney stones typically do not cause symptoms until they start to pass through the urinary tract. When kidney stones pass, it can be extremely painful and cause complications like blockages of the urinary tract, blood in the urine, and problems with the prostate. Were taking a closer look at how kidney stones can affect your prostate.

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Does Masturbation Cause Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection is another dimension of kidney-masturbation linkage. Urinary Tract Infection is common among people who dont follow hygienic habits while masturbating. Thus, it is not a kidney dysfunction due to masturbation, but masturbation is not done under the cleanliness. It is true that sometimes, Urinary Tract Infection can reach up to the Kidney and causes infection there too. Still, we must acknowledge the fact that it is not due to masturbating but doing it incorrectly. Therefore, it is safe to say that masturbation doesnt affect the Kidney in any direct way.

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How To Pass A Kidney Stone Easily

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The occurrence of kidney stones is increasing within the United States. Currently, men have a 10 percent chance of developing a kidney stone during their lifetime, while women face a seven percent likelihood throughout their lives.

As more cases arise, individuals are discovering that these mineral buildups often inflict tremendous pain and internal discomfort. The removal of a kidney stone often comes in the form of passing it through the urinary system.

In the event of a diagnosed kidney stone, and based upon your doctors recommendations, there are approaches to helping the foreign body pass more easily.

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Can Sexual Intercourse Helps In Clearing Kidney Stones

It is logical to assume that symptomatic kidney stones can significantly compromise the quality of sex life, but according to a new study conducted by scientists at a research center at Ankara, Turkey, it was suggested that sexual intercourse can help in the removal of small kidney stones. According to the study reported in the Urology journal , scientists presented statistical evidence that men who engage in sexual intercourse at least three to four times a week, are more likely to pass kidney stones in the urine.

Are Kidney Stones And Prostate Cancer Related

No. Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer among men in the United States. The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown but there are risk factors that elevate your chances of developing prostate cancer. These include:

Age You are more likely to develop prostate cancer if you are over the age of 50.

Family history Prostate cancer seems to run in families. Having a father or brother with prostate cancer more than doubles your risk of developing it.

Race / ethnicity Prostate cancer is more common in African-American men and Caribbean men of African ancestry than in men of other races.

Kidney stones are not an identified risk factor of developing prostate cancer. Recurrent kidney stones can cause other complications, like increasing your risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Kidney stones, prostatitis, and prostate cancer can all cause difficult or painful urination, pain in your abdomen or pelvic area, and a frequent urge to urinate. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important talk with your doctor. Your doctor can determine the cause of your symptoms and provide you with an individualized plan to begin treatment as soon as possible.


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Tips For Preventing Kidney Stones

Even though March is National Kidney Health Awareness month, were always glad to take time to observe that here at Dr. Eric Seamans urology practice in Millburn, New Jersey. Our attention is focused on your kidney health year-round.

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form inside your kidneys and can eventually make their way down into other parts of your urinary system, including your ureters, bladder, and urethra. The severe pain often associated with kidney stones occurs when these small clumps of mineral deposits are forced through even smaller spaces through which your urine flows as it exits your body.

Dr. Seaman values the opportunity to provide effective treatment for kidney stones and the symptoms they cause. Hes also passionate about helping you prevent kidney stones from recurring or forming in the first place. Here are five practical steps you can take to help prevent kidney stones

Should You Worry About Antiperspirants

Observation: Non-surgical Approach to Kidney Stones

You may have noticed an FDA warning for people with kidney disease on labels of antiperspirants. Antiperspirants contain small amounts of aluminum, which temporarily plug sweat ducts to reduce perspiration. Excessive amounts of aluminum can be toxic. However, the amount of aluminum that is absorbed by the skin from antiperspirants is tinyespecially compared with the amount of aluminum people are exposed to naturally from water and soil. Recommended: If you have kidney disease, ask your doctor if you should stick with plain deodorants that dont contain aluminum.

Joseph Vassalotti, MD, chief medical officer of the National Kidney Foundation,, and associate clinical professor of medicine in the division of nephrology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as American Journal of Nephrology, Kidney International and American Journal of Kidney Diseases.


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What Does A Kidney Stone Feel Like

Most people dont notice they have a kidney stone until it moves from the kidney into the ureter the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder and causes pain. There are a few symptoms to watch for, including:

  • Severe, sharp pain in lower abdomen or back, typically on one side

  • Burning sensation when urinating

  • Urge to urinate frequently or feeling like you cant empty your bladder

  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

  • Brown, red or pink urine, indicating the presence of blood

  • Fever and chills

Kidney stone symptoms and pain levels vary from person to person, and the size of the stone isnt necessarily a measure of how much pain it will cause. Some people feel intense pain with a 3-millimeter kidney stone, while others can pass larger stones without pain.

Does A Hot Bath Help With Kidney Stones

The pain associated with a kidney stone can be exhausting, but a warm bath can help relax the muscles and provide relief.

Does hot water help kidney stone pain?

If the bath doesnt help, try adding direct heat with a heating pad or heated water bottle. Put it on the affected area for about 20 minutes to relieve pain. Aspiring is a blood thinner that can cause bloody urine if taken for kidney pain.

Can Hot Baths Cause Kidney Stones?

Saunas, hot tubs, and yoga are all great things to do for your body, but dehydration is a bad way to get kidney stones. Lower urine production allows stone-causing material to settle and bind in the kidneys. Drink plenty of extra water when engaging in sweaty activities.

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Signs That Indicate You Have Passed The Kidney Stone

When a kidney stone starts to pass, symptoms typically occur suddenly and without any warning. That being said, a common sign is a pain that initially develops in your side or back. Typically in the flank or lumbar region and shoots into the groin. Sometimes, the pain will travel downward into the genital area, poorly controlled by the pain relief, and stops and starts abruptly.

Some patients may see blood in their urine, for others, the blood is not visible through naked eyes. Though a large stone may not pass on its own and may require special procedures to remove it.

Can Kidney Stones Irritate The Prostate

If these pebble-like objects have blocked the normal urine flow, then the bladder can retain excess urine. The excess urine creates pressure on the prostate, which can hinder normal prostate function. So, yes, kidney stones can irritate the prostate.

Then, can an enlarged prostate cause kidney stones? What you may not be familiar with is that anything that obstructs urine flow can cause acute kidney failure. Blood clots or kidney stones in the urinary tract can be a major contributor. Including an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.

The enlargement obstructs urine flow, making it difficult for the bladder to empty completely. However, these stones cant cause prostatitis. Prostatitis happens as a result of inflammation of the prostate. When the prostate gets inflamed, men have trouble urinating.

What tends to trigger chronic prostatitis are pelvic floor spasms, stress, and autoimmune ailments. Whereas bladder infections, urinary retention, prostate stones , and UTI can cause bacterial prostatitis. Kidney stones are not linked with triggering prostatitis.

Tip: When dealing with kidney stones, focus on consuming quality food. Limit the intake of packaged meats, canned food, and condiments. As too much sodium increases, the calcium is lost in the urine. This can be a problem for your kidneys.

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How Do Kidney Stones In Men Come Out

Sometimes the kidney stone can travel down the ureter, the tube between the kidney and bladder. When the stone reaches the bladder, it can be passed out of the body in the urine. When the stone lodges in the ureter, it blocks the flow of urine from that kidney, causing pain.

How can a man tell if he has kidney stones?

Stones cause symptoms such as pain, trouble urinating, cloudy or smelly urine, nausea, and vomiting. Some stones will pass by themselves. Others require treatment with sound waves or surgery to break them open or remove them. Call your doctor if you have symptoms of kidney stones.

Where do guys get past kidney stones?

Most kidney stones eventually pass from the kidney through the ureter and bladder, and finally through the urethra on their own.

The Mans Sex Cure For Kidney Stones

Source: Study titled Can Sexual Intercourse Be an Alternative Therapy for Distal Ureteral Stones? A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study by researchers in the department of urology, Clinic of Ankara Training and Research Hospital, and in the department of biostatistics and medical informatics, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, both in Turkey, published in Urology.

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Youre a man. You develop a kidney stone. Ouch. Its not too large, so its the kind that sometimes passes on its own. Your doctor gives you three choices

Just wait and hope that it passes.

Take a prescription medication such as tamsulosin , which relaxes muscles in the bladder, so stones can pass more easily.

Have sex three or four times a week.

And the winner issex! In a study published in the journal Urology, 75 men with moderate-sized kidney stones were put into one of the three groups above. The results

26 of the 31 men in the have sex group passed a kidney stone. Thats about 84%. It took an average of 10 days.

10 of the 21 patients in the Flomax groupabout 48%passed a stone. It took an average of 17 days.

Only eight of the 23 patients in the control groupabout 35%passed a stone. It took an average of 18 days.

Of course, the men didnt actually get to choose which group to be inthey were randomly assigned to a group, to make it a more reliable study.


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What If You Masturbate/sex When You Have Kidney Stone

Kidney stones can be life-threatening if not treated properly and the safest way to get rid of them is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Kidney stones give you an understanding that true pleasure is not to be in pain. It makes me happy to inform you that it is totally safe for you to fap. Masturbation is not only safe but also might help to pass the stones. But before you get excited, let me alert you that the size of the kidney stone plays a vital role here. Thus if having a stone greater than 12mm discussing it with the urologist is recommended.

Note- If you feel any discomfort while performing the act. You are advised to consult the doctor.

What Are Kidney Stones

The Most PAINFUL Thing a Human Can Experience?? | Kidney Stones

If you have too much salt, certain minerals, or chemicals in your system and a lack of urine, the excess material can form crystals in your kidneys. Other particles can attach to the crystals and form a “stone,” a hard object that your body may try to pass.

About 1 out of every 10 people in the U.S. will have a kidney stone at some point in their lives.

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What Does It Feel Like When You Have A Kidney Stone

  • What does it feel like when you have a kidney stone?
  • Formed by crystallization of certain substances in urine, kidney stones are hard, pebble-like pieces of materials occurring in one or both kidneys when there are high levels of various minerals such as calcium or uric acid in urine. A kidney stone may be as small as a grain of sand, as big as a pebble or even as large as a golf ball. Generally, the larger the stone the more severe the symptoms. If the stone is very small in size, it can pass through your urinary tract without notice. But a large stone may cause a sharp pain in your side, groin, back or lower abdomen as it passes through the urinary tract.

    So what does it feel like when you have a kidney stone?

    Typically, kidney stones are formed in the kidney and a stone that remains in the kidney rarely causes pain. But when a kidney stone travels through the tubes of the urinary tract such as the ureter or the urethra , it may produce irritation and blockage that result in pain and other symptoms. You may feel the following symptoms depending on the size and location of the stones:

  • No symptoms, if the stone is very small.
  • Sudden and severe pain on the side, lower back, groin, abdomen or genitals. The pain gets worse in waves and is often described by people with kidney stones as the worst pain I have ever experienced.
  • Nausea and vomiting, or a persistent stomach ache.
  • Foul-smelling or cloudy urine
  • Is A 7mm Kidney Stone Too Big To Pass Through

    Treatment for kidney stones depends on the size and type of stone and whether an infection is present. stones 4 mm and smaller in about 90 percent of cases these 57 mm do this 50 percent of the time and those larger than 7 mm rarely pass without surgical intervention.

    How big is a 7mm stone?

    6 mm, 7 mm and 8 mm kidney stones serve as a reference. 23 inches, . 27 inches and . 31 inches wide, making an 8mm kidney stone the size of a small corn kernel.

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    Does Soaking In Epsom Salts Help Kidney Stones

    You can also take a very warm bath to which you have added 1 cup Epsom salts and up to 10 drops of ginger, juniper, or peppermint essential oils. If you are still in pain, take other pain relievers your doctor has given you. It may also be time to go to the hospital for IV fluids and injected pain medication.

    Does Epsom salt damage the kidneys? For many people, drinking Epsom salts is generally safe. However, people with kidney or heart diseases, pregnant women and children should not consume it.

    What Causes Male Infertility

    Infertility is a common problem and may affect up to 15% of all couples: it is also on the increase as more people are delaying the start of their families. Infertility had been traditionally thought of as a primarily female problem urologists now realize that male infertility may also be involved in half of all infertility cases.

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    Is It Time To See A Doctor

    You should see your doctor for kidney stones if you experience any of the following symptoms:

    • Persistent pain that doesnt go away with the use of over-the-counter pain medications

    • Pain that leads to nausea or vomiting

    • Fever and chills

    • Blood in the urine

    • Difficulty urinating and/or pain while urinating

    Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and may run diagnostic tests, such as a CT scan, to diagnose kidney stones and determine the size and location of the stones.

    Your doctor also may prescribe medications to help the stone pass or ease the pain and other symptoms while you wait for it to pass naturally. In some cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the stone, particularly if it is too large to pass naturally, or if its blocking the urine flow.


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