Avoiding Recurrence Of Kidney Stones
If you have had one kidney stone, some tips that may help to prevent a second stone forming include:
- Talk to your doctor about the cause of the previous stone.
- Ask your doctor to check whether the medications you are on could be causing your stones. Do not stop your medications without talking to your doctor.
- Get quick and proper treatment of urinary infections.
- Avoid dehydration. Drink enough fluids to keep your urine volume at or above two litres a day. This can halve your risk of getting a second stone by lowering the concentration of stone-forming chemicals in your urine.
- Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee. Juices may reduce the risk of some stones, particularly orange, grapefruit and cranberry. Ask your doctor for advice.
- Reduce your salt intake to lower the risk of calcium-containing stones. Dont add salt while cooking and leave the saltshaker off the table. Choose low- or no-salt processed foods.
- Avoid drinking more than one litre per week of drinks that contain phosphoric acid, which is used to flavour carbonated drinks such as cola and beer.
- Always talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet.
Drinking mineral water is fine it cannot cause kidney stones because it contains only trace elements of minerals.
What Is Hair Loss
Hair loss is hair that is thinning or is falling out of your scalp. It’s fairly common. Everyone loses some hair every day. Losing up to 100 hairs a day is normal.
But if hair loss runs in your family, you could lose a lot more hair. With this kind of hair loss, you may end up with bald spots if you’re a man. If you’re a woman, you may find that the hair on the top of your head is slowly thinning.
Why Does Kidney Disease Cause Loss Of Appetite Ayurved Treatment Dr Puneet Dhawan
Kidney Disease Cause Loss Of Appetite: For exploring the question, we should dive into the basics of kidneys and kidney diseases, their symptoms and causes. Kidneys are the most vital organs in our body that are known as the filtering organs in our body as these organs are responsible for filtering blood in the body. Apart from the filtration process, these organs perform many other functions in order to keep our body healthy and well working. Some main functions of kidneys are as follow:
- Removing wastes & toxins from the blood
- Balancing the level of fluid in the body
- Generating necessary hormones that are helpful in the production of red blood cells and also manage bones health
- Also, help in controlling the blood pressure
These are many other functions that are carried out by the kidneys for the well-working of the body.
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What Are Kidney Diagnostic Tests
A variety of tests exist to diagnose CKD, and if you’re wondering how to check kidney function at home, test packages like this one help you check your kidney function at the comfort of your house. Some common kidney function tests are:
- Blood Tests: Tests like blood urea nitrogen test, serum creatinine, a 24-hour glomerular filtration rate test, complete blood count, and basic metabolic panel help your doctor tell if your kidneys are functioning normally.
- Urine Tests: Tests like albumin to creatinine ratio, urine albumin, and urine glucose tests can help your doctor tell if anything is amiss with your kidney function by examining urine.
- Imaging Tests: Ultrasound of the kidneys, abdominal CT scans, and MRIs can be ordered by your physician in case they suspect any obstructions or growths in your kidney.
- Biopsies: In case your kidney has growths or cysts that have been detected on the imaging tests, your doctor might recommend a biopsy. The procedure involves removing a part of the growth to be examined in a laboratory.
Though Chronic Kidney Disease is irreversible, it is manageable through a nutritious diet, managing the causative disease, necessary lifestyle changes, and abiding by the doctor’s advice on time. Be sure to visit your healthcare provider regularly in case you have concerns regarding your health.
Discuss These Matters With Your Physician
Hair loss associated with kidney health can be a cause of concern and self-consciousness. Because of this, it’s important that you discuss these matters with your physician or your kidney specialist. He or she can make recommendations to assist you with these matters. Your physician or kidney specialist can also provide you with some basic information about the nature of the hair loss and when you can expect hair regrowth.
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You Also Mentioned The Importance Of Hydration What Should Teenagers Be Drinking
Dr. Alon: Teenagers need to make sure theyre getting plenty of fluids. They can drink water, flavored water, tea and juice .
A misconception is that drinking too much milk can cause kidney stones. A recent study shows that nutritional calcium intake does not have an effect on kidney stones unless consumed in extreme amounts.
Hair Loss And Kidney Healthby Robert True On February 06 2014
While genetics are one of the major causes of balding and baldness, there are many other different causes of hair loss to consider. Many of these are related to environmental factors, physical stress or strain on the hair and/or hair follicles, and even systemic conditions. When you speak with the specialists at our hair loss clinic, you will be able to receive detailed information about various kinds of hair loss.
Right now, we want to focus on hair loss that is related to the health and wellness of the kidneys. You may be surprised just how important kidney conditions are to the fullness and health of your hair.
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Can Farxiga Cause Hair Loss
No, Farxiga should not cause hair loss. This was not a side effect reported in studies of people taking Farxiga.
But its possible that diabetes can cause hair loss. This is due having too much sugar in your blood, which can cause damage to the blood supply that nourishes your hair.
If you experience bothersome hair loss while taking Farxiga, talk with your doctor. They can help determine whats causing the hair loss and the best way to treat it.
Chest Pain & Shortness Of Breath
A build-up of excess fluid in the wall of the heart or the lungs can cause shortness of breath and chest pain. This is a serious symptom of CKD and you should consider visiting your healthcare provider at the earliest in case you’re facing either of these symptoms.
It is important not to ignore any of the symptoms you might encounter. With CKD, most patients get diagnosed only when it’s too late. Be sure to visit your doctor if you notice any symptoms and are in doubt.
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Obstruction Of Urinary Tract
Prolonged blockage of the urinary tract or tubes can result in damage to the kidney tissue. If you have had prolonged issues with kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, the chances of developing CKD rise. Conditions like cancers of the kidneys can also cause Chronic Kidney Disease due to their obstructive nature.
Stress & Kidney Disease
Several studies have shown that stress can be an indirect promoter of Chronic Kidney Disease. Prolonged stress levels can cause bodily inflammation, raise blood pressure and elevate blood sugar levels which can be quite damaging to your kidneys. If you’ve ever wondered if stress can stress cause kidney stones, you just might be correct. Stress can also result in dehydration, an important factor of rising kidney stone prevalence in several individuals. Obstructive kidney diseases like kidney stones increase your probability of developing Chronic Kidney Disease.
The risk of contracting CKD is elevated in the elderly, and in addition to these causes of the disease, risk factors like smoking, obesity, elevated cholesterol, and liver cirrhosis can also result in a higher chance of CKD.
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Malfunctioning Thyroid Glands Linked To Kidney Stones
Written by Admin | Updated : March 2, 2015 6:55 PM IST
Excessive calcium levels, linked to formation of kidney stones, can be traced to the over activity of parathyroid glands , affecting women and the elderly, suggests a new study. Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, determined that hyperparathyroidism is the leading cause of high blood-calcium levels and is responsible for nearly 90 percent of all cases. Calcium loss from bones often leads to osteoporosis and fractures, and excessive calcium levels in the blood can cause kidney stones and worsening kidney function, researchers from the UCLA said, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reports.
The four parathyroid glands, located in the neck, next to the thyroid, regulate the body’s calcium levels. When one is dysfunctional, it can cause major imbalances — for example, by releasing calcium from the bones and into the bloodstream, according to an UCLA statement. “The findings suggest that hyperparathyroidism is the predominant cause of high calcium levels, so if patients find they have high calcium, they should also have their parathyroid hormone level checked,” said Michael W. Yeh, associate professor of surgery and endocrinology at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, who led the study.
Why Are More Teenagers Getting Kidney Stones
Dr. Alon: Weve definitely seen an increase in kidney stones over the last several years. Nationally, theres been a 3-4 fold increase among teenagers. Were seeing more cases partly because we have better diagnostic tools in the Emergency Room. Instead of a simple x-ray, we now get a CT of the patients abdomen, which is a much better tool to diagnosis kidney stones.
However, the bigger contributor to the increase in kidney stones is excess salt. For adults, the recommended sodium intake is a maximum of 2300 mg. Teenagers should consume much less and maximum consumption is based on the childs size. For instance, if the teenager is half the size of an adult that teenager should only have half the recommended amount, which would be 1200-1400 mg.
Also just as important, teenagers are not eating enough fruits and vegetables, which contain potassium and counteracts sodium. Its this imbalance in sodium and potassium that results in excess of calcium that triggers kidney stones.
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Farxiga Dosages And Recommendations
Farxiga comes in two strengths: 5 mg and 10 mg.
The recommended starting dose is 5 mg taken once daily in the morning with or without food. For patients who need additional glycemic control, doctors may increase the dose to 10 mg.
Patients should get their kidneys tested before starting Farxiga or Xigduo XR.
Farxiga and Xigduo XR are not recommended in patients with major kidney impairment, according to the medication insert. Doctors should monitor kidney function in patients taking Farxiga.
Signs Of Kidney Stones In Women
The symptoms of kidney stones in women is not easy to detect circuitry easy, because of pain in the lower abdomen in women are often ignored. Signs that may indicate symptoms of crystal-shaped rock crystal is:
The Causes of Kidney stones
The risk factors
The risk factors that may increase the kidney stones to occurs include:
The Good thing to do by kidney stone patients
If you already is diagnosed with kidney stones, you should:
Abstinence for Kidney Stones patients
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Blood Urea Nitrogen Test
Blood urea nitrogen can become elevated when your kidneys start to fail. Normally, your kidneys clear the products of protein breakdown from your blood. After kidney damage, these byproducts build up. Urea is one byproduct of protein breakdown and is what gives urine its odor. Your doctor may check for buildup.
How Kidney Stones Are Diagnosed
There are several tools doctors can use to diagnose kidney stones, according to the NIDDK. After talking to you about your symptoms and doing a physical exam, your doctor may order these tests as well:
Urinalysis: This is a test of your pee that can show whether your urine contains high levels of minerals that form kidney stones. A urinalysis can also tell whether your pee has blood, bacteria, or white blood cells in it .
Blood tests: Your doctor may want to take a sample of your blood to test for high levels of certain minerals that can lead to kidney stones.
Abdominal X-Ray: This is a picture of your abdominal area that can potentially show the location of kidney stones in your urinary tract. One major caveat, though: Not all kidney stones can be seen on X-ray.
Computed Tomography Scan: CT scans use a combination of X-rays and computer technology to create images of your urinary tract. In some cases you might be given an injection of contrast medium, a dye or other substance that makes certain things inside your body easier to see during imaging tests.
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Dietary Calcium And Kidney Stones
Only lower your calcium intake below that of a normal diet if instructed by your doctor. Decreased calcium intake is only necessary in some cases where absorption of calcium from the bowel is high.
A low-calcium diet has not been shown to be useful in preventing the recurrence of kidney stones and may worsen the problem of weak bones. People with calcium-containing stones may be at greater risk of developing weak bones and osteoporosis. Discuss this risk with your doctor.
Farxiga For Weight Loss
While Farxiga isnt approved as a weight-loss medication, weight loss is a beneficial side effect of the drug.
In clinical studies, people taking Farxiga lost up to about 7 pounds over 24 weeks of treatment. Because of this side effect, your doctor may recommend Farxiga if you have type 2 diabetes and are also overweight.
Its thought that Farxiga causes weight loss because it sends extra glucose from your blood into your urine. That means the calories from the glucose leave your body in your urine, which may lead to weight loss.
Note: Farxiga should only be used according to your doctors prescription. You shouldnt use Farxiga for weight loss or any other purpose without your doctors guidance.
Farxiga can be used by itself or along with other diabetes and heart failure medications.
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How Is Proteinuria Treated
Treatment depends on the underlying condition that caused proteinuria. Each condition requires different treatments.
If kidney disease is confirmed, a treatment plan might include medication, diet changes, weight loss and exercise. Diabetes and hypertension patients with proteinuria might need blood pressure medication, and those with diabetes will have to control their blood sugar. Diabetes patients should receive glomerular filtration rate blood tests every year and may be referred to a nephrologist, a doctor who specializes in the kidneys.
Pregnant women with preeclampsia should be watched carefully. The condition, although serious during pregnancy, usually resolves itself once the baby is born. Proteinuria patients with low blood pressure should schedule annual urine tests and blood pressure checks.
If proteinuria isnt accompanied by diabetes, high blood pressure or any other medical condition, blood pressure medication still might be prescribed to prevent kidney damage. Blood pressure and urine should be checked every six months to make sure kidney disease isnt present. As for those with mild or temporary proteinuria, treatment may not be necessary.
Is Parathyroid Disease Serious
Hyperparathyroidism is a serious disease that becomes very destructive with time. Over time, it can lead to problems throughout the body, including osteoporosis, high blood pressure, kidney stones, kidney failure, stroke, and cardiac arrhythmias. Because it is a serious and progressive disease, patients with parathyroid disease should undergo parathyroidectomy, an operation to remove the parathyroid tumor.
The symptoms of hyperparathyroidism are different in different people. Sometimes people have symptoms making them miserable within the first year or two of having high blood calcium. Other times it can go 6-8 years without causing too many problems. Eventually, almost everyone will develop symptoms or complications of this disease . Although it is benign, it will slowly destroy your body and take away the “joy of life” while it does so. The good news is that it can be cured with a simple operation done by an experienced surgeon.
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Kidney Disease: 11 Ways It Can Affect Your Skin
If you have kidney disease, you wont see early warning signs on your skin. However, as the disease progresses, you may develop one or more of the following:
Extremely dry skin. Skin can become so dry that it:
Itchy skin. Extremely itchy skin is a common symptom of advanced kidney disease. The itch can range from irritating to life-disrupting. Your skin may itch all the time.
Some people have itch on one area of their skin. The itch can also spread across most of your body.
Scratch marks and other signs of scratching. When you scratch often, it affects your skin. You can develop:
Color changes to your skin. When the kidneys stop working as they should, toxins build up in your body. This build-up can cause color changes to the skin. You may see any of the following:
Nail changes. Kidney disease can affect the appearance of your fingernails, toenails, or both. People who have advanced kidney disease can develop: