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Are Dates Good For Kidneys

Packaged Instant And Premade Meals

Protect Your Kidneys with this Diet (Whole-Grains are OUT?)

Processed foods can be a major component of sodium in the diet.

Among these foods, packaged, instant, and premade meals are usually the most heavily processed and thus contain the most sodium.

Examples include frozen pizza, microwaveable meals, and instant noodles.

Keeping sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day may be difficult if youre eating highly processed foods regularly.

Heavily processed foods not only contain a large amount of sodium but also commonly lack nutrients .


Packaged, instant, and premade meals are highly processed items that can contain very large amounts of sodium and lack nutrients. Its best to limit these foods on a renal diet.

Swiss chard, spinach, and beet greens are leafy green vegetables that contain high amounts of various nutrients and minerals, including potassium.

When served raw, the amount of potassium varies between 140290 mg per cup .

While leafy vegetables shrink to a smaller serving size when cooked, the potassium content remains the same.

For example, one-half cup of raw spinach will shrink to about 1 tablespoon when cooked. Thus, eating one-half cup of cooked spinach will contain a much higher amount of potassium than one-half cup of raw spinach.

Raw Swiss chard, spinach, and beet greens are preferable to cooked greens to avoid too much potassium.

However, moderate your intake of these foods, as theyre also high in oxalates. Among sensitive individuals, oxalates can increase the risk of kidney stones (

Is Oatmeal Bad For Your Kidneys

When our body is unhealthy, then it becomes our prior duty to take the best care of it. Eating healthy and proper exercise counts on the very first number. Many people suggest numerous herbs and food eat in order to treat any disorder naturally. But the question is- what are things, bad for your kidneys or any affected organ in spite of working over it positively. There is a list of certain things that you should keep away from yourself when suffering through any kind of kidney disorder. No matter how many times your elder suggests things based on their experience, you should only act over the tips suggested by the doctor themselves. It is important to understand the relation between the diet and your kidneys. Karma Ayurveda is a name that thousands of people trust when it comes to the authenticity and 100% natural ayurvedic treatment of kidney disorders. Dietitian at Karma Ayurveda has released a list of food one should avoid while suffering through kidney problems.

Whole pulses- The kidney;helps to hold the protein in the blood. Whole pulses contain protein and it becomes hard for the kidney that is already not working properly in its natural manner to hold the excess protein in the blood. So, it is advised to kidney patients to not to consume a lot of pulses.

Dry fruits-;Dry fruits contain concentrated nutrients that mean dry fruits contain every nutrient in excess. You would not know, but few dates can accumulate 668 mg of potassium in your body.

Some High Sodium Foods

  • Breads, cereals, and crackers
  • Canned soups and stews
  • Canned vegetables
  • Condiments, like ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, and salad dressings
  • Cottage cheese and some other cheeses
  • Pretzels, chips, cheese puffs
  • Foods with seasoning packets and Helper foods
  • Frozen dinners
  • Processed meats, like bacon, hot dogs, and deli meats
  • Tomato and vegetable juices; spaghetti sauce

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Path To Improved Health

Some of the waste that can build up in your blood comes from nutrients in the food you eat. Your body needs most of these nutrients for its day-to-day functions. When your kidneys arent working well, the following nutrients can become a problem.

Phosphorous.;Phosphorous is a mineral that keeps bones healthy and strong. But, even in early stages of chronic kidney disease, the level of phosphorous in your blood can become too high. A high level of phosphorous can cause itchy skin. It can also cause your bones to lose calcium. If this happens, your bones will get weaker and more brittle. You also have a greater risk of developing;osteoporosis.

Foods high in phosphorous include:

  • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • Dried beans and peas, such as kidney beans, split peas, and lentils.
  • Nuts and peanut butter.
  • Drinks like beer, cola, and hot cocoa.

If your phosphorous level is too high even after you change your diet, your doctor may prescribe medicine to lower it.

Calcium.;You need calcium to build strong bones. Unfortunately, foods that contain calcium often also contain phosphorous. If you have chronic kidney disease, you may need to take calcium supplements that are phosphorous-free. Your doctor may also prescribe a special type of;vitamin;D. This will help your body absorb calcium.

Protein.;You need;protein;to build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin, and blood. Protein also helps your body fight;infection;and heal wounds.

How To Keep A Kidney Healthy

How to Remove Kidney Stones Naturally? 8 Ways to Cleanse ...

Keeping your healthy kidneys involves following a kidney-friendly diet. We also recommend finding a balance in your lifestyle. We must try to maintaina good weight and good sleeping habits. Finding ways to lower your stress and exercise is a good idea. This will lead to you feeling better overall.

There are a few things everyone can do to make sure that their kidneys remain healthy:

  • Choose healthy foods. You do not necessarily have to follow the kidney diet. However, we recommend choosing foods that improve kidney function. This means eating fresh foods and whole grains. Choosing low-fat or fat-free dairy, foods that have reduced sodium, and non-processed foods is also a good start.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes every day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.
  • Achieve a healthy weight. This might mean losing weight for those that are overweight. It could also mean maintaining a healthy weight.;
  • Sleep at least 7 hours every night. We recommend aiming for 8 hours when possible.
  • Limit alcohol intake. The CDC recommends limiting it to two drinks a day for men and one drink for women.
  • Manage your blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Reduce stress.

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Is Bread Good For Kidney Disease

In short, yes! Bread and other healthy carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet for kidney disease.

You may be thinking But doesnt bread have carbs?. Answer: yes! Bread is a wonderful source of carbohydrate, and this is a GOOD thing!

Carbs have been demonized, perhaps partially due to the keto diet craze. But carbohydrates are actually a critical part of a healthy diet for kidney disease.

Bottom line: Bread is good for kidney disease! But, you want to make sure you choose mostly healthy, fiber-rich bread . And, that you eat bread and other carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet.

Easy Ways To Cleanse Your Kidneys

  • 8 Easy Ways to Cleanse Your Kidneys
  • The kidneys are amazing little organs. Each day, they process about 200 quarts of blood, getting rid of excess water and waste products, removing toxins and keeping the body functioning smoothly. If the kidneys are not able to remove toxins and waste from the body, they will build up in the body and hinder the normal function of kidneys, liver and other organs, resulting in exhaustion, stomach pain, headaches, water retention and other problems. Buildup of toxins and waste also may lead to kidney stones, a mass of crystals or unprocessed minerals which can grow to the size of a golf ball. Kidney stones affect 10-15 percent of American adults, but also may be found in children as young as five.

    Kidney stones causes and symptoms

    There are many causes of kidney stones, such as dehydration, excessively acidic urine, urinary tract infections, buildup of waste and toxins in the kidneys, among others. The symptoms of kidney stones include excessive lower back, abdominal or urinary tract pain which may be sharp, mild or excruciating, severe vomiting or feeling nauseated, persistent urge to pass urine, and constant chills or sweating. While the symptoms vary depending on the size of the stones, unceasing pain and discomfort on the sides is a good reason to see a urologist. Kidney stones are easily curable if diagnosed early.

    Why you should cleanse your kidneys

    Below are 8 easy ways to cleanse your kidneys

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    Antioxidant Foods For The Kidney Diet

    Fresh, colorful and kidney-friendly;fruits and vegetables aren’t just good; they’re good for people with chronic kidney disease . Powerful compounds called antioxidants found in certain foods may help protect you against other diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

    Antioxidants neutralize harmful molecules in your body called free radicals, the normal yet damaging byproducts created when your body produces energy, fights infection or is exposed to toxins. Antioxidant vitamins A, C and E available in supplement form can be harmful to people on dialysis, though many take a renal vitamin supplement that contains 60-100 mg of vitamin C per day as recommended by their doctor.

    One of the best ways to get antioxidants is through food. Dietitians use colors in fruits and vegetables to identify antioxidants, which include:

    • Red/Purple = Anthocyanins, polyphenols, resveratrol

    Here are 10 colorful, high-antioxidant foods for the kidney diet.

    1. Cranberries

    Cranberries add a distinctive zing to sweet breads, muffins and other recipes like Easy Cranberry Salad. Enjoy dried cranberries sprinkled on a salad or on their own as a snack. You can also drink cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktail.

    • 1/2 cup serving of raw cranberries = 1 mg sodium, 40 mg potassium, 6 mg phosphorus
    • 1/2 cup serving cranberry juice cocktail = 3 mg sodium, 22 mg potassium, 3 mg phosphorus
    • 1/2 cup serving dried cranberries = 2 mg sodium, 24 mg potassium and 5 mg phosphorus

    Deficiency Of Iron In Your Blood

    How To Get A Date | Joey Kidney

    Kidneys disease patients one biggest complication is anemia which means deficiency of iron in your blood. Irons deficiency resists the flow of oxygen in the body and your body becomes weaker gradually. This much weakness makes kidney patients unable to get up from their bed.

    Dates contains a high amount of iron that can cure the condition of anemia along with the blood. Kidneys disease patients should eat everything consciously because even any beneficial thing can cause harm to your body if eaten in excess.

    Even if the date palms iron is good for you but an excess of iron in your body can also be dangerous for your kidneys. Eating dates also allows different vitamins to enter the body. There are many things you are not allowed to eat while suffering from kidneys disease.

    You cannot eat different types of vegetables and fruits. Due to which the deficiency of various nutrients and vitamins happens in your body because of which you develop many other diseases along with kidneys disease.

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    Stage 4 Kidney Failure With Anemia: Can I Have Red Dates

    Anemia is described as an unusually lower quantity of red blood cells within the circulating blood. It often affects sufferers along with Stage 4 Kidney Failure. For those patients, is it ok to have red dates?

    Red dates are rich in potassium content. For people with Stage 4 Kidney Failure and anemia, their kidneys are severely damaged so they are unable to remove enough potassium to maintain normal blood levels. If the potassium becomes too high, it can result in an irregular heartbeat or a heart attack. There, high potassium foods like red dates should be limited .

    Besides, other foods rich in potassium to limit or avoid include:


    Hydrate For Healthy Kidneys

    Along with eating a healthy diet that includes these kidney-friendly foods, its also important to stay hydrated. Drinking a sufficient amount of water not only helps ensure that the mineral levels in urine arent overly concentrated, but it also helps prevent common kidney problems like UTIs and kidney stones. In fact, dehydration has been shown in epidemiological studies to be an importantand commonrisk factor for recurrent kidney stones.

    Your individual water needs largely depend on your activity level, age, and climate instead of a one-size-fits-all formula.

    But if you think that the old eight-glasses-a-day advice still holds, think again. The Institute of Medicine estimates that, on average, men need approximately 3 liters of H2O and women need about 2.2 liters daily. But be aware that everyones needs are slightly different based on age, exercise intensity, the climate you live in, overall health, and for women, whether they are pregnant or breastfeeding. A good rule of thumb is to look at your urine. If it is dark yellow, that indicates that you are dehydrated and you need to increase your water intake.

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    Nutritional Balancing For Ill Kidneys

    While suffering from the bad health of the kidneys some restrictions are made by the doctors over the consumption of certain nutrients. As mentioned above, these nutrients make the condition of the kidneys even worse. Hence, they suggest you with a proper diet plan which is inclusive of superfood for damaged kidneys.

  • Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein makes up the food. We all know that protein can be obtained through vegetables, dairy, and meats. The human body itself contains a certain amount of protein enough to build the RBC, muscles, hormones, etc. but when the amount of protein exceeds it becomes hard on the kidneys. This is why the consumption of a moderate protein diet is crucial during kidney ailments. The required amount of the protein by the body is 1 gram per kilogram. Good food for bad kidneys should have less protein in it.
  • Potassium is a mineral kept by the kidneys in the blood for the good health of the heart. Any disturbance in the potassium level can be a risk for the hearts health. However, ill kidneys cannot process it and its accumulation takes place. So, there should be a limited amount of potassium consumption that would favor both the heart and the kidneys. The best food for the kidney is the one that also contains a moderate amount of potassium.
  • During kidney disease, a limit should be put over the consumption of phosphorus as the excess cannot be removed from the blood. Phosphorus rich food for damaged kidneys can make the condition worse.
  • The Best Bread For Kidney Disease

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    There are few foods as demonized and confusing as bread. Especially when it comes to kidney health. White or wheat? Is whole grain better? Read on to get the truth about the best bread for kidney disease.

    *Please note that this post contains clearly identified affiliate links.; As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases .

  • Other Healthy Carbohydrates for Kidney Disease
  • Recommended Reading: Does Red Wine Cause Kidney Stones

    These Fruits Are Good For Kidney Stones

    One of the painful conditions that one can have is having kidney stones. There are several ways these stones are formed in the urinary tract. Calcium may combine with oxalate or the phosphorous content in the urine and form stones; and this generally happens in case these substances get excessively concentrated and become solidified resulting in formation of kidney stones. Apart from this, uric acid buildup can also result in kidney stones. This uric acid buildup can occur due to the protein metabolism. Well, the reasons for formation of kidney stones may be many; but the person suffering from kidney stones would be more interested in knowing about different ways to eradicate them; and diet plays a crucial role in it. There are some food types that can be beneficial in treating kidney stones. In this article we will talk about some of the fruits which are good for kidney stones.

    Oranges And Orange Juice

    While oranges and orange juice are arguably most well known for their vitamin C content, theyre also rich sources of potassium.

    One large orange provides 333 mg of potassium. Moreover, there are 473 mg of potassium in 1 cup of orange juice .

    Given their potassium content, oranges and orange juice likely need to be avoided or limited on a renal diet.

    Grapes, apples, and cranberries, as well as their respective juices, are all good substitutes for oranges and orange juice, as they have lower potassium contents.


    Oranges and orange juice are high in potassium and should be limited on a renal diet. Try grapes, apples, cranberries, or their juices instead.

    Processed meats are meats that have been salted, dried, cured, or canned.

    Some examples include hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni, jerky, and sausage.

    Processed meats typically contain large amounts of salt, mostly to improve their taste and preserve flavor.

    Therefore, it may be difficult to keep your daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg if processed meats are abundant in your diet.

    Additionally, processed meats are high in protein.

    If you have been told to monitor your protein intake, its important to limit processed meats for this reason as well.


    Processed meats are high in salt and protein and should be consumed in moderation on a renal diet.

    Pickles, processed olives, and relish are all examples of cured or pickled foods.

    Usually, large amounts of salt are added during the curing or pickling process.


    Also Check: Is Pomegranate Juice Good For Your Kidneys

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