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What Is A Kidney Doctor Called

For Kidney Conditions When Should You See An Urologist Or Nephrologist

The Keto Diet and Kidney Function | A Kidney Doctor Explains | The Cooking Doc®

A common question from patients is when do you see an urologist or a nephrologist for kidney problems? This can be somewhat confusing as both doctors treat conditions of the kidneys.

The Answer: It depends on what condition is present.

Urologists treat conditions of the urinary tract, which includes the urethra, bladder and kidneys. However, urologists only treat particular conditions of the kidneys. They can perform surgery, remove cancerous cells, and eliminate kidney stones. However, the internal medicine subspecialty, Nephrology, treats kidney function disorders.

Nephrologists are trained to treat conditions that affect the function of the kidneys. There are many conditions that can affect the kidneys including hypertension, fluid retention, electrolyte imbalance, and lupus or other autoimmune diseases.

The doctors at Comprehensive Urology treat kidney conditions including kidney stones, blockages, kidney cancer, and kidney infections. If you are suffering from any of these kidney conditions, call 278-8330 today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert urologists.

How Does Blood Flow Through My Kidneys

Blood flows into your kidney through the renalartery. This large blood vessel branches into smaller and smaller blood vessels until the blood reaches the nephrons. In the nephron, your blood is filtered by the tiny blood vessels of the glomeruli and then flows out of your kidney through the renal vein.

Your blood circulates through your kidneys many times a day. In a single day, your kidneys filter about 150 quarts of blood. Most of the water and other substances that filter through your glomeruli are returned to your blood by the tubules. Only 1 to 2 quarts become urine.

When Kidneys Arent Doing Their Jobs

Renal failure, also called kidney failure or kidney disease, happens when the kidneys are not working efficiently or effectively. An estimated 37 million U.S. adults are living with chronic kidney disease, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Even more shocking? Nine in ten adults who have it dont even know it.

How could that be? People dont usually have noticeable signs of kidney failure until it is very advanced, says Dr. Calle.

This sneak attack is why kidney failure is known as a silent killer.

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Take Someone With You

You might find it helpful to ask someone to come into the GPs consulting room with you possibly a trusted friend or family member. They can take notes for you and ask any questions that you may forget.

If you would prefer to go on your own take a pen and some paper so you can jot down notes and any important information.

Booking Your Nephrology Treatment With Us

Whats A Kidney Doctor Called

To get started, you can book a with one of our many experienced nephrology Consultants. This is a simple and fast process. You can also book your consultation by calling 441413005009.

To familiarise yourself with the many treatment options for kidney issues that we offer, you can . This could help you to decide which treatment option might suit you best.

At your consultation, you will likely receive important diagnostic testing and discuss the right treatment option for you with your

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Kidney Care In Boston Massachusetts

If you have a kidney-related health problem, see a nephrologist for prompt and trusted medical care. The nephrologists at Commonwealth Nephrology Associates are board-certified and fellowship trained. They have decades of experience and offer high quality kidney care to every patient. If you live in the Boston area and need a nephrologist for your kidney care, call Commonwealth Nephrology Associates to make an appointment today. To make an appointment, call 739-2100 or request an appointment online.

Watch Out For These Two Risk Factors

Two riskfactors may rear their ugly heads before you notice any kidney failure symptoms,giving you a head start to get on top of this disease.

The firstone to watch for is high blood pressure . High blood pressure may be a signof kidney disease, or it may cause it. Its the chicken-or-egg dilemma, Dr.Calle says.

Diabetesis another key risk factor. Anyone who has high blood pressure and diabetesneeds to be screened for kidney diseases.

Otherimportant risk factors include:

  • Family history of kidney disease
  • Regularly taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suchas aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen as well as proton pump inhibitors suchas omeprazole that treat reflux and other GI issues
  • A past acute kidney injury, which is when your kidneys are damagedor fail suddenly
  • Certain chemotherapy regimens

And when in doubt, check it out. Dr. Calle recommends taking any questions or concerns to a primary care physician, internist or nephrologist.

Dont rely on your Internet research, he says. Some websites are not reputable and can needlessly scare you.

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Tips On Talking With Your Nephrologist

Talking with your doctor about kidney disease may seem challenging. After all, the kidneys are very complicated! Many people experience information overload in these conversations and are unable to comprehend everything they hear. Others feel that asking too many questions may seem disrespectful or make them uncomfortable. However, it is important to find ways to effectively communicate your needs, ask questions to understand your condition and options, and learn your doctors opinion. Some effective strategies include:

  • In addition to these questions, you should also discuss these topics to with your nephrologist:
  • Diagnosis and extent of damage to the kidneys
  • Treatment options
  • A Family History Of Kidney Disease

    What Causes Chronic Kidney Disease?| Dr. Vishwanath S | Nephrologist in Bangalore – Manipal Hospital

    If there is a history of heart disease in your family, it would be wise to consult a nephrologist. Nephrologists can help prevent and treat the early stages of kidney disease. Having an underlying predisposition could potentially put you at risk, making early testing important for your health. Administering tests early on can help detect signs of decreasing kidney function.

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    What Happens At Your First Visit

    During your first visit, your DNA nephrologist will gather important information from you. Your nephrologist will review your medical history, and do a complete physical exam to determine how your kidneys are functioning.

    Your nephrologist will order blood and urine tests and a diagnostic imaging of your kidneys may also be required.

    What Are The Kidneys’ Functions

    One of the kidney ‘s tasks is to cleanse the blood from superfluous or harmful metabolic products and to remove excess water from the body. The blood flows through the two small renal organs about 300 times a day. The so-called urinary excreted substances as well as liquids are filtered from the blood vessels by a complicated system based on osmosis. This material is then added to the urine. Certain medicines are broken down in the same fashion.

    In addition, the kidneys produce a hormone called renin, which is important for the regulation of blood pressure. The organizational units of the kidney are called glomeruli or renal corpuscles. These are small vascular bundles surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. Here, the primary urine is formed, which initially contains a lot of water and is then substantially concentrated by its resumption.

    If the renal function is restricted or fails completely, it has very serious effects on the whole body. The urinary substances are deposited in the internal organs and impair their functions. The disturbed fluid and electrolyte balance leads to water retention and cardiac arrhythmia. Decreased or excessive formation of renin has a strong influence on the blood pressure.

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    Reasons To See A Nephrologist

    Most people don’t go to a nephrologist without a referral from their primary care doctor. Typically, seeing a nephrologist means that you have kidney-related symptoms from an unknown cause or that you have health issues only a renal specialist knows how to treat. You might be referred to a nephrologist if you have the following signs or symptoms:

    Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

    If you get a lot of urinary tract infections , which are typically bladder infections, you are at greater risk for the infection to travel up to your kidneys. This also puts you more at risk of developing kidney disease, permanent kidney damage, or even kidney failure. Chronic UTI symptoms, especially blood in the urine, fever, and fatigue, can also indicate the early stages of bladder or kidney cancer.

    Recurring Kidney Stones

    Kidney stones are mineral- or salt-based deposits inside your kidneys, and they cause a lot of pain when passing through your urinary tract. If you get a lot of kidney stones, your kidneys are likely not filtering waste properly and are letting deposits accumulate.

    You can also develop kidney stones that begin to block glomerular filtration and lower the filtration rate. Any obstructions can begin to damage your kidneys and lead to chronic kidney disease.

    Foamy Urine

    Itchy Skin and Joint or Bone Pain

    Talk to your doctor if youâre experiencing these symptoms, as a referral to a nephrologist may be necessary.

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    How To Prepare For An Appointment:

    Whats A Kidney Doctor Called
    • Be aware of any pre-appointment restrictions. When you make the appointment, ask if theres anything you need to do in advance, such as limiting your sodium or fluid intake.
    • Write down any symptoms youre experiencing. Include all symptoms whether you think they may be related or not.
    • Write down key personal information, including any major stresses, recent life changes and family history.
    • Make a list of current medications, vitamins or supplements that you are taking .
    • Consider taking a family member or friend to your appointment. They can provide support and help you remember all the information discussed during the appointment.
    • Gather any medical records required by your new doctor
    • Write down questions to ask your doctor so you are prepared and can make the most of your short time together.

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    Conditions Treated By Kidney Doctors

    Kidney doctors care for people with a number of different types of kidney disease including:

    • Acute kidney injury: Acute kidney disease refers to the rapid onset of kidney disease often related to conditions such as shock , dehydration, kidney problems related to surgery, or inadequate drainage from the urinary tract .
    • Chronic renal failure: Chronic kidney disease can be caused by a number of different conditions

    There is a wide range of medical problems that can affect the kidneys in different ways. Some of the more common conditions which can cause kidney failure include:

    • Diabetes : Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States
    • Kidney disease related to high blood pressure and heart disease
    • Obesity
    • Kidney stones which cause obstruction
    • Congenital kidney problems such as horseshoe kidney
    • Glomerulonephritis: Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys which can be caused by a number of different processes, including the bacteria which causes strep throat.
    • Kidney disease related to lupus
    • Polycystic kidney disease: Cystic kidney disease is hereditary, though the severity of the disease, as well as age of onset, can vary
    • Autoimmune diseases such as IgA nephropathy
    • Kidney failure secondary to liver disease

    Chronic kidney disease is described by five stages based on the severity of the disease. Grade 1 kidney failure refers to a mild disease, whereas grade 5 renal failure usually indicates that dialysis or a kidney transplant will be needed.

    How Is Kidney Pain Treated

    Treatment of kidney pain depends on what condition is causing it. In order to pinpoint a cause, a number of tools are available to help your doctor make a diagnosis:

    • Urinalysis: Checks for the presence of blood, excess white blood cells , proteins, and certain chemicals that are linked to various kidney disorders.
    • Imaging tests:Ultrasound or a CT scan provides an image of the physical structure of the kidneys and urinary tract, sees if stones are present, and helps determine if blood flow is adequate.

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    How To Know When To See A Nephrologist

    Staying in tune with your body means recognizing certain symptoms that prompt you to schedule an appointment with a nephrologist. Nephrology is a specialty of internal medicine that focuses on the treatment of diseases that affects the kidneys. Your kidneys are extremely important and serve several vital functions: waste and excess fluid removal from the blood, maintaining your bodys electrolyte balance, releasing hormones with functions such as managing blood pressure. A nephrologist can help you by looking at the state of your kidneys, and determining if you have or are at risk of kidney disease. Here are some signs to know when it is the right time to pay a visit to a nephrologist.

    A Nephrologists Education And Training

    What is the difference between Acute & Chronic Kidney Disease? – Dr. Prashant Dheerendra

    In order to start on the path to becoming a nephrologist, you must first complete medical school. Medical school lasts four years and requires a prior bachelors degree.

    After receiving your medical degree, youll need to complete a three-year residency that focuses on internal medicine. A residency allows new doctors to receive further training and education in a clinical setting and under the supervision of more senior clinicians.

    Once certified in internal medicine, you must then complete a two-year fellowship in the nephrology specialty. This fellowship further hones the knowledge and clinical skills required for the specialty. After you complete your fellowship, you may take an exam to become board-certified in nephrology.

    Nephrologists can work with you to help diagnose and treat the following conditions:

    • blood or protein in urine

    If youre visiting a nephrologist, they may be involved in performing a variety of tests and procedures or interpreting the results.

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    Kidney Stone Symptoms And When To See A Urologist

    Kidney stones can happen to adults of any age and can be extremely inconvenient. If diagnosed early, stones can be treated more quickly. About 11% of men and 7% of women in the United States will experience a kidney stone at some point, and approximately half of those who experience kidney stones will get them again. Its important to know what the symptoms are, and when to see a urologist.

    Kidney stones can be debilitating and painful . While a stone forms in the kidney, there may be no signs or symptoms. Most people start experiencing symptoms once the stone is formed and passes into the ureter . The most common kidney stone symptoms include:

  • Pain in the side and/or back
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and/or groin
  • Painful urination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • You may be experiencing one or more of the above symptoms and think, Should I see a doctor? Are my symptoms that bad? You should make an appointment with a urologist when you experience any of the above symptoms for an extended period of time. If you are worried about your symptoms and think you may have kidney stones, dont hesitate to call and make an appointment. You should especially seek a urologist if you experience:

    • Pain so extreme that its hard to move or get up
    • Blood in the urine

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    Job Market And Vacancies

    This page provides useful information about the availability of jobs, finding vacancies and where to find out more.

    Job market information

    NHS Digital regularly publish workforce statistics which show the number of full time equivalent consultants and doctors in training for each specialty: NHS Digital workforce statistics.

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    Get To Know The Signs Of Kidney Failure

    Sohow do you turn up the volume on this silent killer? Dr. Calle says to payattention to these five signs of kidney failure:

  • High blood pressure: Kidneys help regulate blood pressure by releasing hormones. When they are damaged, they cant do their job effectively.
  • Changes in your urination habits: You may be urinating less frequently or not at all. Your urine may appear frothy or darker . Even a little blood can change the color of urine dramatically.
  • Swelling, or edema: This goes beyond the bloating some of us experience after a salty meal. The swelling can happen anywhere. But people usually notice it more in their legs, lower back, face and eyelids.
  • Nausea, vomiting and a decreased appetite: Too much waste in your body affects everything, including your stomach.
  • Brain fog: Excess waste can make it hard to concentrate. Your brain may feel fuzzy. You may also have less energy and feel unsteady or light-headed.
  • But heres the problem : These symptoms seem to appear with no rhyme or reason. You could have all the symptoms at the same time or intermittently, or you may have one but not the others, Dr. Calle explains. It can feel like playing symptom Russian roulette.

    Toplay it safe, see your doctor even if just one of these symptoms makes anappearance.

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    What Do Nephrologists Treat

    Choosing the Kidney Specialists in India
    • Kidney failure of any cause
    • Kidney transplants
    • Dialysis

    Nephrologists manage the many conditions that cause renal impairment and renal failure. Their goal is to optimise renal function.

    If a patients kidneys fail completely they will need dialysis essentially artificial kidneys.

    Patients survive many years on dialysis, either chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis.

    Nephrologists care for these patients and any complications of their disease. They also manage patients who have had kidney transplants.


    The treatment offered by nephrologists varies depending on the cause of the kidney problem and its severity. They may:

    • Give medications alone
    • Initiate and maintain dialysis artificial kidney function, either CAPD or haemodialysis
    • Arrange renal transplant and then manage that in the long term

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    Four Great Tips For Your First Visit

    To get you started, consider these tips:

    • Before your first appointment at DNA, please download and fill out our downloadable new patient forms and bring them with you when you come in. These forms can be found at
    • Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early to your first appointment.
    • Some helpful items to bring with you include a list of symptoms and how long you have had them, a list of all of your doctors with their contact information, a list of all medications you are taking, insurance information, a drivers license or another form of photo ID, your medical history, and any other medical records including lab tests and imaging results.
    • Make a list of questions and concerns you have for your nephrologist.


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