Dogs Respond Well To Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for dogs. In, fact, many clients who seek acupuncture therapy for their dogs have reached an impasse with traditional veterinary medicine when it comes to solving a chronic problem, or they have found that their dogs cannot tolerate the traditional medications used to treat disease.
The most common conditions to be treated with acupuncture include musculoskeletal problems such as pain from osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, and ACL tears mobility problems such as paresis or paralysis gastrointestinal disorders allergies and immune system disorders and chronic kidney disease. While most dogs will react slightly when an acupuncture needle is inserted, many will sleep or become very tranquil once the needles are in place.
Monitor Your Diet Carefully
The well-known quote by Hippocrates, Let food be thy medicine is still valuable information today. We are what we eat. Eat thoughtfully and you will feel the difference. In renal disease, there are many values to know and adjust your diet accordingly. Check to see if your insurance will cover you to see a professional nutritionist they have so many ideas and options to tailor as you wish. You can sometimes avoid multiple supplements by just eating the correct foods for your unique body. Ive found this to be so helpful and makes a difference in my own quality of life.
Acupuncture And Kidney Disease
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Mushrooms Ganoderma And Cordyceps
Mushrooms are well tolerated by cats when given in the form of powders or concentrated tinctures added to food. Ganoderma lucidum is a medicinal mushroom that has been widely used in China and Japan for hundreds of years for its immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. Ganoderma compounds are renoprotective.22.The active peptide in Ganoderma counteracts oxidative stress from renal ischemia, and in an animal model of diabetic nephropathies has renal protective effects.23
Likewise, Cordyceps sinensis is extensively used by Chinese physicians to treat chronic renal diseases and to stimulate the immune system. It also displays anti-oxidative activities. It is commonly used in renal transplant patients it has been shown to significantly improve renal fibrosis.24
What Can Acupuncture Treat
What Acupuncture Can Treat
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are extremely successful in the treatment of a multitude of conditions. Many people try Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a “last resort” to serious and complex medical problems and find that it can help them when other treatments could not.
Acupuncture is also often used as a preventative medicine. Many people see their acupuncturist only 2-4 times a year for a “tune up” or “balancing” treatment. This can prevent disease and promote health, energy and vitality.
Your acupuncturist will have to look at the onset of your condition and see what your constitutional diagnosis is to determine if Oriental Medicine can help you. Each case is unique and it would be difficult to determine how effective acupuncture will be for you without a full assessment. Please contact several licensed acupuncturists in your area for a consultation to find the best suited practitioner for you. What problems are commonly treated with Acupuncture? The most common ailments presented to an acupuncturist tend to be pain related conditions. For example arthritis, back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that is capable of diagnosing and successfully treating a wide range of conditions including:
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders
- Sinusitis
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Who Can Perform Acupuncture On Animals
A veterinarian with special training in acupuncture can perform acupuncture on animals. While the veterinarian is not required to be a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, they must have the specific training and understanding of acupuncture. A Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist is a veterinarian who has completed additional intensive training in acupuncture.
Patient Case Note : Kidney Disease And Chinese Medicine
Patient K was my first patient who wants to try Chinese medicine with kidney disease in Australia.
Dr Ellen Lee MD, CMD China , Nephrology
Patient K most likely had high blood pressure for dozens of years without being diagnosed. A few years back, she had severe headaches and went to her GP. Her blood pressure was high and she was quickly referred to a specialist. She was put on a heavy regimen of prescription drugs to lower her blood pressure. Her blood pressure has been stable but her kidney continued to worsen. She felt frustrated that although her blood pressure is somewhat under control, she did not feel her health improved at all. She continued to have sporadic headaches, joint aches and upper back pain among other health problems.
She had been seeing GP and Nephrologist regularly and taking blood test for ALMOST every week! She cried and told me that doctor said there is nothing they can do, except giving her diuretics and ARB tablets. I was shocked when I found out that she doesnt have any knowledge regarding restrict protein intake and how important keep blood pressure.
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Brief Overview Of Cat Acupuncture Points
There are many acupuncture points located around the body, each related to a particular body system. The location of your cats acupuncture treatment will depend on their diagnosis.
There are 12 main paired meridians or channels where there is a collection of acupuncture points. Each pair is on either side of the body. Each channel is related to a particular body system and the number of points per channel varies. There are several special channels that are not paired and also contain important points.
Acupoints are found just about anywhere on the body, around the head and face, along the back, on the legs and paws, along the sides and underbelly, all the way down to the tip of the tail.
The points selected for treatment depend on the cats diagnosis which is typically designated by a Chinese pattern related to excess, deficiency, yin, yang, qi, dampness, or heat.
Study Population And Variables
The process of subject selection from 1 million individuals in the LHID 2000 is illustrated by flow chart . Those patients with CKD were identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification code 585, and had to have been diagnosed at least twice before being included in the study population. After screening for the exclusion criteria of diagnostic date and basic information, 14,718 CKD patients were recruited. Patients with CKD, having had at least one record of CHM clinical visit during the study period, were defined as CHM users . Non-CHM users were the CKD population who never recorded a visit to a CHM clinic during the study period . The CHM users included the CKD patients receiving CMH for any reason. The CHM users for CKD were defined to indicate CKD patients receiving CHM for treating CKD. The study collected and analyzed demographic characteristics and claims data of both the CHM user and non-CHM user cohorts matched by sex, age, diagnosis date of CKD, and date of CHM clinic visit.
FIGURE 1. Flow chart of study cases from Longitudinal Health Insurance Database in Taiwan during 2001â2012.
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Acupuncture Research Update: The Kidneys And Chinese Medicine
The National Institute of Health recently published a study on the effectiveness of Acupuncture on Chronic Kidney Disease. The researchers were specifically looking at the effects on renal function, by evaluating the levels of serum creatinine and established glomerular filtration. The study was done with 53 patients who suffered from chronic kidney disease. Each patient received acupuncture plus electroacupuncture once per week for 12 weeks. The study showed that regular acupuncture treatments can lower the creatinine levels and increase the glomerular filtration rates, which ultimately decreases the symptoms of Chronic Kidney disease. This allows the patient to lead a more normal life.
There are an estimated 31 million people suffering from chronic kidney disease, putting it in ninth place for leading causes of death in the United States. When the function of the kidney decreases it can either be acute or chronic. When the kidney is acute the injury can be caused by a sudden drop in blood flow to the kidneys, which can be damaged from medications, infections or a sudden blockage that prevents urine from flowing out of the kidneys. When the kidneys have received chronic damage, which can be caused by an autoimmune disease, genetic disorder or sexually transmitted disease or even chronic Urinary Tract infection. Despite how it was caused, decreased kidney function can be deadly if not detected or left untreated.
Natural Treatments Reverse Kidney Disease
Western medicine do not understand the kidneys like Chinese doctors do. Western doctors known that the kidneys are responsible for fluid balance, waste elimination, regulation of blood pH and mineral balance. They also play an important role in red blood cell production, blood pressure regulation and converting vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol. Our kidneys are essential for life.
The worst part about living with kidney disease is that it is a silent killer. However, what makes it more dangerous is the fact that it usually is only recognized at extremely late stages when it is extremely difficult to treat.
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Find A Confidante Or Peer Supporter To Lean On
As you are gathering information, meeting doctors and making informed decisions, it can be very helpful to have a wise friend or confidante to talk things over with. I feel blessed with great support, but one person in particular who is very helpful is a cousin who has FSGS as well. Our doctors practice differently, have different protocols and we ourselves have very different symptoms in our disease. It is so enlightening when we discuss what we are going through, and nobody gets it like her! She is going through or has gone through similar situations: physically, mentally and spiritually.
Find that person that gets your highs and lowswe all have them. Perhaps you have your faith or a clergy member that can be of great support, I know for me personally it has been key. Share with your family and friends, mine have been my greatest support! Im also fortunate to have a husband who is by me every step of the way. We all need someone that we can count on. It lightens the load when we share, and we can learn so much from others.
Is Acupuncture Helpful For Treating Kidney Failure With 25% Kidney Function
Is Acupuncture helpful for treating kidney failure with 25% kidney function ? In fact, Acupuncture as one of the traditional Chinese Medicine it can relieve some of the symptoms caused by kidney disease by stimulating the relative acupoint, but it can not cure kidney disease by itself.
What is acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is a medical treatment for kidney disease that involves long needles and acupoints. In this method, long needs are used to stimulate certain points of the body, so as to achieve the purpose of treating disease. Acupuncture shows positive effects in treating kidney disease and has been widely used by patients from different countries.
What kind of therapies can help kidney disease patient with 25% kidney function ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine it can work well together with Acupuncture. With the help of this therapy, patient with 25% kidney function can get a chance avoid dialysis.
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, combing the essence of nearly all kinds of oral taking and external application herbal medicines, has been matured in repairing damaged kidney function which is just impaired not necrotic.
If you want to know more information about Acupuncture and other Chinese Medicine for treating kidney failure, you can leave message or send email to us, we will try our best to help you.
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Acupuncture With Chronic Kidney Disease And High Creatinine
Acupuncture is familiar to Chinese, it is an essence part of Traditional Chinese Culture. It is used to cure many kinds of disease in China, for its curative effect in cure Kidney Disease and high creatinine, more and more Western people begin to accept it as an natural therapy to help them get free of disease.
What is acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is a natural remedy in which doctor inserts medical needles, applies heat or electrical stimulation at a very precise acupuncture points to promote the body’s self-cure and improve functions.
How does Acupuncture work ?
Acupuncture is Applied with Needles. This field features the pricks of needles on acupuncture point to adjust the organic functions and clear the energy channels of obstruction in our body.
In ancient China, it was called ‘Bian Shu’, a treat method with stone needles which then evolved into the bone, bamboo, and metal. Now it is popular to use stainless steel and silver needles among the doctors of Chinese medicine. They are so fine that the length is 15 – 125 millimeters and the diameter is 0.28 – 0.45 millimeters.
After analyzing your disease condition, the therapist will use special medical needles to stimulate the corresponding meridians. Many foreigners are scared by the pictures of acupuncture needles. In fact, the insertion is not terrible and you just feel a Mosquito bite, not sharp pain. And after a few minutes, you will feel comfortable. This is the Chinese medicine mystery.
What you also want to know:
Can Acupuncture Help With Chronic Kidney Disease
Acupuncture originates from China that has been practiced for thousands of years. It involves the penetration of very thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body. WHO announced that acupuncture really has effects on some diseases. Then can acupuncture help with Chronic Kidney Disease ?
What is acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese medicine doctors believe that all illnesses are a result of the natural flow of energy through the body becoming stuck, depleted or weakened and thus making the individual susceptible to illness. Acupuncture works directly with the body’s energy or qi. It benefits the rebalance of qi through treatment of specific acupoints related to symptoms or illness present.
Benefits of acupuncture for Chronic Kidney Disease
First, acupuncture is helpful for dredging meridian and promoting blood circulation so as to increase blood flow and supply to the kidneys. Inadequate blood flow to the kidney will cause renal ischemia and hypoxia which can cause damages, even necrosis of kidney cells. Acupuncture can greatly change this condition and preventing further damages to the kidney cells.
Second, acupuncture can regulate endocrine disorders and accelerates metabolism so as to remove the excess waste which is accumulating in the body, resulting in the alleviation of illness condition, such as edema. And patients will feel more energic after acupuncture.
The other benefits of acupuncture are:
· When performed correctly it is safe
· It costs little.
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Study Visits And Assessment
The study duration will be 26 weeks, comprising a 2-week run-in period and 24 weeks of intervention. After treatment commenced, visits will take place every 4 weeks during the intervention period. An overview of specific measurements and time points of data collection can be found in Fig. .
Fig. 2
Renal function, including blood urea nitrogen , SCr, uric acid , and 2-microglobulin
Adverse events , such as signs and symptoms and other ailments, will be documented at every visit. Every AE will be described as a mild, moderate, or severe AE, and association with the intervention drugs will be assessed. Severe AEs will be reported to the main investigator and the Ethics Committee within 24 h. All the adverse events will be recorded, monitored, and treated until resolved, so other required inspection items such as computed tomography and ultrasonography will be needed when the discomfort amounts to an AE. We will make between one and six occasional visits during the study to ensure that each participating center complies with the study protocol
Other assessments
Best Acupuncture Doctor Near Me
To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it’s important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients. You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.
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Can Acupuncture Help My Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease affects 15% of all Americans making it the 9th leading cause of death. Almost 50% of people with CKD, and not on dialysis, dont know that they have CKD. Unfortunately, almost all cases of kidney disease are progressive, meaning that they get worse over time even with the very best allopathic medical care.
While there are several causes, the two most common conditions that contribute to kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition to these, other conditions that cause kidney disease include recurrent kidney infections, polycystic kidney disease, vesicoureteral reflux , inflammation of the kidneys filtering units , kidney stones, enlarged prostate, or other conditions that may obstruct the urinary tract over a prolonged period.
Proper kidney function is vital to overall health. You probably know that the kidneys are responsible for removing excess fluid and waste products from the body, but they have other important functions as well. The kidneys produce hormones that stimulate the production of red blood cells and help regulate blood pressure. These organs also produce vitamin D for strong bones, control the metabolism of calcium, and eliminate drugs from your body. As you can see, the kidneys perform many vital functions that impact the bodys health and life longevity.